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What is the best way to hack on an existing web page in the browser using squint? send repl results (js code string) to browser devtools js console to be automatically evaluated there? Spit js code to tampermonkey extension code file (via Tampermonkey local file url?). Reload page. New js runs on pageload. Use Wally or webdriver to drive page and facilitate copy/paste/reload from repl. Tooling to sync an arbitrary web form with a code file or repl results…? Any best practices in this space? Could be a nice way to exercise squint outside the context of a larger project ceremony, and in meaningful, valuable contexts (like an admin dashboard)


The squint webpage has an eval box:


This works with the squint package from npm as is


You can view the source how it works


I'll be back tomorrow, 💤 time


Oh btw, there's also #C034FQN490E You can make self-contained websites with that too


Ok Thanks! i was thinking of going with scittle too. I have it running in tampermonkey per your example! Awesome Was just wondering if i was missing a simple jvm squint browser repl option. I will look at that eval code.