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so for example this:
(ns 'foo
[sablono.core :refer-macros [html]]))
(def css-transition-group (.. js/React -addons -CSSTransitionGroup))
(defcard css-grp
(render [this]
#js {:transitionName "bar" :className "foo"}
(html [:h1 "Ooompha"]))))))
can anyone tell me how to make it work?@anmonteiro: A simple example would be something like:
(defui Offer
static om/Ident
(ident [_ {:keys [offer/id]}]
[:offer/by-id id])
static om/IQuery
(query [_]
Given my app state contains an offer with a real id, how could I apply a transaction to persist a copy of it to a remote and assign the new id to the extant offer?
so I can’t even make something like this work: no sablono this time:
(def css-transition-group (.. js/React -addons -CSSTransitionGroup))
(def data ["Foo" "Bar" "Baz"])
(defcard css-grp
(render [this]
(dom/div nil
(css-transition-group (clj->js {:transitionName "bar"
:children (map #(dom/h1 nil %) data)} )))))))
@ag: you need to call js/React.createElement
like this:
(js/React.createElement css-transition-group
#js {:transitionName "bar"
:children (map #(dom/h1 nil %) data)})
@donaldball: I would look at what
is doing for tempids and do something similar for your use case
you can even return your mappings from the remote transaction as realid->realid2
as default-migrate
doesn’t enforce that keys in the tempid
map have to be om tempids
Thanks, that’s a good idea
I have a somewhat more elementary question at the moment. Suppose in my state I have an entity of which I have partial information (e.g. the id) and I need to fetch the rest of the data from a remote. Is this a use case for query params?
wondering what tools people are using currently for unit testing / integration testing using cljs and a react wrapper like om or reagent?
I think I have answered my question from earlier: in the read fn for these data, I can grab the identifiers and smuggle them to the send fn in the ast :params, and it seems to work fine, though I’m not sure if this is a good solution or not
@donaldball: probably how I’d do it too