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I broke down and worked out the integer arithmetic I was too lazy to write first time around. But I'm still interested in what the actual timeouts are for 4Clojure.
Hi, maybe somebody can help, I’ve noticed that clojure.test/is doesn’t fail the test if checks happens on another thread
(clojure.test/deftest b
(let [o (promise)]
(.start (Thread. (fn []
(clojure.test/is false)
(deliver o 1))))
@artemyarulin: AFAICT you can call clojure.test/is in another thread, but you must make sure that it gets called before the main thread’s test returns
hm, this test passes all the time for me
looking at your example code I may be wrong. let me check
I’ve added @promise just to be sure that thread got finished. Yeah, thanks
Basically I was able to dig down till (clojure.test/inc-report-counter :fail)
which gathers all the errors before creating a report. But I’m not that familiar with all those dynamic
@artemyarulin: not sure why that works, but I have some test code running multiple threads (and go blocks) using clojure.core.async and then it’s all ok
(clojure.test/deftest b (async/<!! (async/thread (Thread/sleep 3000) (clojure.test/is (= false true)))))
yeah, I’ve noticed that, I’ve never had a problem with core.async
I think async/thread does some capturing/rebinding of the current dynamic environment
oh, may be. I’ll check the source, thanks for the hint
that’s from core.async
Originally I’ve found an issue in library where (p/then (p/promise 1) (fn [_] (is false))
never fails, but I guess it’s related to the way how it handles new threads creation.
Thank you @joost-diepenmaat , I’ll try to apply same things to promesa lib then
There was a bunch of stuff added related to threads and dynamic bindings in clojure 1.3 - see clojure.core/future and clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn
before 1.3 all thread creation fns lost their dynamic bindings. AFAIK that doesn’t happen anymore unless you use the java Thread API directly.
yep, it could be the case
I think that’s probably the cause of your problems. good luck 🙂
thank you!
ok, what is the best way to process a file in chunks in Clojure, without resorting to functionality ?
i'm thinking that, if i could someway expose it as a core.async channel, this will give me the best results also looks interesting, though
@lmergen if it’s text, just use line-seq
I would go with something similar to line-seq (so lazy seq of chunks) unless you’re dealing with pipes / other interfaces where the data is being added while processing
reading that link, something like (convert .. (seq-of … ))
to convert the input stream to a sequence of bytebuffers
but that’s also dependent on if you need to extract information out of the file or just copy it around
lmergen: you could probably transduce it
rickbeerendonk: wouldn't that still require me to convert the file in a seq of chunks ?
lazy-seqs will work... but if you're streaming bytes and video you might not want to pay the costs of laziness
it's been a very long time since I looked at manifold
do you need it to be async? You can probably just open a memory mapped file on it and reduce/transduce an xform over the bytebuffers or something like that
You could look at iota which I believe does this kinda thing but for text files:
Hi guys, wondering what's the cleaner approach to log things in a library supposed to be used in your projects (basically some ring handlers and middlewares) which already has its own logging approach. A Logger protocol...?
Please vote for creating a docs here. I'm sure it will be popular
cyppan: timbre and tools.logging have slf4j backends:
I have frequency map of ordered data, i.e. {0.25 1, 0.5 3, 0.65 2, 1.0 4}
, and I'm trying to come up with an algorithm for choosing n
keys such that they cover as much of the values as possible.
For example in the above map, I'd get the scores for each key as follows:
(let [m {0.25 1, 0.5 3, 0.65 2, 1.0 4}
cost (fn [x [k v]] (* (Math/abs (- x k)) v))]
(into {}
(for [[k] m]
[k (apply + (map (partial cost k) m))])))
But I'm not sure how I would go about choosing the best n
values. Has anyone done something similar before?the frequency maps have from few to upto 100 items, which I can filter down to eliminate very unlikely candidates beforehand
@luxbock: you could sort the map entries by frequency descending and take the first n values ?
@mccraigmccraig: yeah I think that would work for my given example, but now that I look at the results it would give for the data I have, I think I need to tweak my cost
@luxbock: in general though, if there is a value function and you want to select the maximum value in n records, can you not sort the records by value descending and take the first n ?
Here's how an example set of data looks: Doing a simple sort on the costs of each key looks like this (shortened slightly for brevity):
([0.5 0.31638572425017447]
[0.55 0.3359974424552431]
[0.45 0.3967740060451058]
[0.65 0.5147116949546616]
[0.35000000000000003 0.6094803534061847]
[0.7000000000000001 0.6496919321088118]
[0.3 0.7581667054173449]
[0.7500000000000001 0.7940304580330158]
[1.0 1.550482445942804])
so choosing the next value in order would not help me in increasing the "coverage" as the next value would be very close to the first one.ah, so are you wanting to divide your data into quantiles then, and pick the boundary values ?
so sort by score, calculate the cumulative score for each record in the sorted order, then partition using boundary values of total-score / n ?
Newbie here, can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my recursive function?
I'm not getting any errors, just a failed test
@luxbock: the multiples of total-score / n
... so if n
is 4 then [(/ total-score 4) (* 2 (/ total-score 4) ) (* 3 (/ total-score 4))]
i.e. quartiles in that case
@simonewebdesign: what are you trying to achieve with that fn ?
I have a nested data structure of items, I just want to collect the ones marked as "good"
@simonewebdesign: ah, i think you meant recur
rather than reduce
but that's not a very idiomatic way to do it in clojure
(filter :good collection)
will do it, or if you wanted just the ids then something like (->> collection (filter :good) (map :id))
oh, hold on... my bad 🙂 i didn't spot the children
recursion is reasonable
I got a similar function working in JS, but in this one for some reason acc
is always empty
@simonewebdesign: Is there a reason you didn't define the-good-one
outside of your good-ones
ah, you aren't giving the reduce
an initial accumulator
no, you are that
@codonnell: not really
i'll shut up now... too many threads in my head
the problem is the acc value being always returned at the end of your the-good-one function
(defn good-ones [collection]
(defn the-good-one [acc item]
(if (item :good)
(cons (item :id) acc)
(if (seq (item :children))
(reduce the-good-one acc (item :children))
(reduce the-good-one [] collection))
but I agree, the-good-one defined outside would be more idiomatic, or defined as a letfn or let
works! I just got the ids in reversed order but that should be easy to fix 🙂
thank you very much!
@mccraigmccraig: sorry I still have trouble following
@luxbock e.g. sort your scores by key order, e.g. [[0.1 3] [0.2 4] [0.3 5] [1.0 1]]
, then calculate cumulative scores [[0.1 3 3] [0.2 4 7] [0.3 5 12] [1.0 1 13]]
then partition by fractions of the total score... e.g. for quartiles 13/4, 13/2, 39/4 giving you quartiles of [[[0.1 3 3]] [] [[0.2 4 7]] [[0.3 5 12][1.0 1 13]]]
that example highlights a problem though - quantiles may turn up empty
@mccraigmccraig: thanks, had to go eat but I understand your suggestion now, I'll need to try it on a few examples and see if it matches up with my intuition for what I'm attempting to do
ha, those aren't quantiles anyway, i'm not thinking straight... for quantiles you just want to divide the list into equal sized groups... so [[[0.1 3 3]] [[0.2 4 7]] [[0.3 5 12]] [[1.0 1 13]]]
Curry On Conf talk records are out How To Win Big With Old Ideas - David Nolen Detail: Video: Doing data science with Clojure: the ugly, the sad, the joyful - Simon Belak Detail: Video: Distributed Configuration with Clojure - Renzo Borgatti Detail: Video:
@mccraigmccraig: I cheated a little bit and got the quantiles from a library function, but unfortunately those don't look quite like what I'm looking for either
@simonewebdesign: Wrote my own nonrecursive solution using zippers for practice. It's below if you're curious.
(require '[ :as z])
(defn good-ones [coll]
(let [zipper (z/zipper :children :children (fn [node children] (assoc node :children children)) coll)]
(loop [loc zipper goods []]
(if (z/end? loc)
(recur (z/next loc)
(if-let [good (-> loc z/node :good)]
(conj goods good)
looks like a pretty interesting solution, especially since I never used zippers
They're great for traversing tree-like structures
Hi all... Does anyone know of a good recursive map-merge function that I can just (require)
from a library rather than typing in one of the seemingly hundreds of stack-overflow answers?
yes no more clojure.contrib.. I wish it to be implemented in for example, I think it's one of the most used utility lib
@timgilbert: or, though neither seem to be actively developed at the moment
looks like Rich has rejected the contrib
This is a super biased place to ask this question but here goes: I have the opportunity to pitch clojure as our primary server-side language for data intensive tasks (recommendation engine, data transformations, ETLs) — I have a couple years of experience writing Clojure full time but my colleague only knows Ruby and Javascript and has never seen FP or lisps. That said, I’m willing to be a teacher and he seems willing to learn. I could meet him in the middle with something like Python, with which I also have considerable experience, but I’m intrigued by Go as a dark horse candidate (maybe unwisely) with familiar imperative syntax and a nice growth curve.
Any seasoned engineers out there who have gone through a similar process with advice to give?
we don't have super big data needs at my company but I've found Clojure to be pretty nice for our analytics pipeline. Shines especially at ETL stuff, but we keep avoiding the need for distributed computation, for which something like Scala+Spark would be probably a good match. I've heard good things about Onyx too.
I’ve used clojure for an an analytics pipeline before and I found it to be a good fit too
Go could be indeed a good choice given its fastness and its consistent primitives, easy to learn and write, more and more companies bet on it. But this syntax... 😛 personally I just can't.
I find myself doing this a bunch in clojure.test and I'm wondering if there's a better way:
(with-redefs [mocked-fn #(when (= :expected-arg %) :expected-return-value) ...
@jjfine: take a look at clj-fakes:
has anyone done docker-compose and clojure?
I have
so in my docker-compose file
i’m expecting when i run docker-compose up, that the image would run and i would have a repl connected
and what i see is
so the command runs successfully, but then exits,
if i run that image that was created, i can interact with the repl with no problem
try this
docker-compose -f your-file.yml -d
Do you want to run lein repl in docker?
i mean i can if i connect to the docker image that gets created via docker-compose
docker runs a command and exit
do you need execute in interactive mode
try docker-compose run lein repl
docker-compose run lein repl ERROR: No such service: lein docker-compose run "lein repl" ERROR: No such service: lein repl docker-compose run [lein repl] ERROR: No such service: [lein
thanks for the help, i can make it run, i just thought my understanding in docker-compose that the image would run and not exit immediately
we’re pretty off-topic at this point but you’ll still need docker
to connect to a container you’ve started via docker-compose
, regardless
okay back to all things clojure
and if you’re simply exposing a port, then you don’t need to do that via docker
wonder if I could get some help here. I'm trying to do something really simple. I need to find matching ranges in an interval tree. I found this library
(require '[ :as it])
which looks like it may be able to do what I need but the documentation for it is... let's just say not the greatest.
So here is the issue. Given this interval tree:
(def cts (into (it/interval-treeset :as-interval :span)
[{:span [6 9] :id 4} {:span [6 8] :id 3} {:span [3 5] :id 2} {:span [0 2] :id 1}]))
all I want is to be able to get something like:
(it/gimme-thevalues cts 7)
=> {:span [6 9], :id 4} {:span [6 8], :id 3}
but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get that from this scant documentation: closest call I found that worked for just one the first interval was this:
(it/first-overlapping cts [7 7])
=> {:span [6 9], :id 4}
@cezar: what about select-overlapping
(second (it/select-overlapping cts [7 7]))
[prefix selected suffix]
Hello! Quick question: I have a seq of strings that I want to randomly separate into 4 nearly-equal sized groups. I’ve looked at split, group, partition, and their variants, and not quite sure how to achieve that, as I don’t really have a clear-cut predicate. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Partition-all by count divided by 4?
Shuffle first if you want random