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It is considered a good practice to namespace data values. For example right at the top level app
is commonly used. So for example app/selected-button
. What to call app
? Is it a 'selector', or a 'category', or..?
I'm reading, is there a difference between "thunk", and "function with no arguments"?
thunk - no arguments, return value might be important. Used for lazy evaluation of a computation.
Has anybody been able to apply remote queries to
e.g. if we are using set-query
and the child component is using remote
, we have to make changes to the read
method for key :route/data
hi guys how do we get the current state in componentWillUpdate
. I remember that someone has asked it before but I cannot find it ..
regarding the problem of channel and tap I asked you yesterday, add ^:once doesn't help. I think it's something else. I will try to find it out later today.
I am now able to switch using recursive-remote
(from om-next tutorial). Still have to figure out a few things.
normally in a component we have nil query, we will set the values later ( via query params or whatever ), how do we avoid om to send the nil query when the component first mounted
Running into an “Assert failed: Query violation” with this code. Any insight into why this causes a violation?
(defui X
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[{:x [:a]}]))
(defui Y
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(defui Z
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(conj (om/get-query X) {:z (om/get-query Y)})))
(om/get-query Z)
However, this works by just replacing (om/get-query X)
in component Z
’s query:
(defui Z
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(conj [{:x [:a]}] {:z (om/get-query Y)})))
@bnoguchi: try replacing the conj in Z's query with a map or something similar
I got the same error when returning child queries instead of composing them
@marianoguerra: Thanks. Looks like I can’t clobber X’s query’s metadata
Switched it to:
(defui Z
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(conj (into [] (om/get-query X)) {:z (om/get-query Y)})))
@bnoguchi: from looking at it: you're stealing the query of component X in component Z
You can't just take queries from the children
they need to compose
(defui X
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(defui Y
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(defui Z
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[{:x (om/get-query X)} {:z (om/get-query Y)} ]))
"this component just needs what the child needs" is the red flag for 'stealing queries'
@iwankaramazow: What happens if you “steal” a query from a child component, as follows?
(defui Z
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(conj (into [] (om/get-query X)) {:z (om/get-query Y)})))
@bnoguchi: one of the things is that if you do (om/transact! this <query>) it will give an error
I think the reason is that since the queries don't compose from the "leafts" to the "root" om can't follow the queries to locate the component or something like that
and I'm sure it may cause other problems
@marianoguerra: Thanks
indeed 😄
@nxqd: can you initialize your query params with some initial values? Would that prevent the nil query issue on mounting?
@nxqd: you're not supposed to have nil queries. If you're using the latest master this should give you an invariant violation. If it doesn't please send me a minimal repro, thanks
@anmonteiro: thanks for the input, I do have "nil" query like this {:location nil}
not actually nil. @grzm I have the same thought, would work on this later today
@nxqd: if that nil is a param there's probably no problem. if it's going to be a join things might not work as you expect
I'm trying out anmonteiro's om next devcards (which have been merged into devcards, from what I can tell)
I'm not seeing what I expect as "reloadable". When I make a trivial change to the file and save, all of the counters are reset to 1. I'd expect them to preserve their state. Or am I understanding this wrong?
@grzm: they haven't been merged, what's in devcards is not reloadable
you need to use
@anmonteiro: I thought this was merged:
that PR had initially what's now in the repo I linked
but then it ended up being just a patch for making it possible to extend devcards externally
@anmonteiro: so, I should see the state persist for the cases I pass a reconciler to either om-next-root
or defcard-om-next
. State should not persist if I don't pass a reconciler. Is that correct?
I started toying with defonce
ing the reconciler inside of the macro
but I didn't have more time to pursue that
and I'm not even sure if it should be opinionated like that
whenever you don't defonce
your reconciler and pass it to the macro it will not be reloadable anyways
Messed up my brackets in a ref with :ui/signup [[:user/by-name] "ar"]
and got a vector as the return value of om/db->tree
. Not sure if this is considered a bug?
@rauh: was the db->tree
result :ui/signup [[:user/by-name] "ar"]
@anmonteiro: Nope, it was [{<query-result>}, {<query-result>}]
and what should it have been?
it can return a vector
@grzm: confirmed this works :hugging_face:
(defn custom-merge-tree [a b] (if (map? a) (merge-with into a b) b))
(defonce reconciler
{:state app-state
:parser (om/parser {:read p/read :mutate p/mutate})
:send (utils/transit-post "/api")
:merge-tree custom-merge-tree
basically you don't overwrite existing key/values with this merge
might come in handy when building a stairway to cache heaven
Hey guys, I have another question. I have a list of items, one of which is selected. This is defined in my original set of data as follows:
(def init-data
{ :list/users {:selected-user [{:ID 1 :selected true}]
:users [{:ID 0 :userName "Jimmy"}
{:ID 1 :userName "Robby"}
{:ID 2 :userName "Bobby"}]}})
Which correctly adds :selected true to Robby when normalised. Now I cannot figure out how to change the selected user - I have tried a few things without success - So thought I’d ask here, as it should be pretty trivial.I guess another point to ask, is that even the right approach to take?
@dnolen: eliding data-paths is a parser option, but e.g. default-ui->props
relies heavily on the component's path to pass the appropriate props to the component that's re-rendering
@anmonteiro: data path elision is a hack
I'm looking to understand the rationale behind this option: is this supposed to be server thing?
I can live with that
I'm still working on the query stuff
and I'm also relying on component paths
so I was wondering if it's OK for stuff to break if path ellision was turned on
I might leave it in there just for the weird cases where it’s desirable for some weird perf reason
btw, after 3 failed implementation attempts, I think I'm going somewhere
kudos to you for the indexer stuff, this thing is powerful 😉
I might have something to show soon. should I open a PR for it? link you the commit in my branch?
@jamesmintram: You have to write your own mutate method that is in your parser and call it with om/transact!
@cjmurphy: So the current mutate method looks like this:
(defmethod mutate 'users/select
[{:keys [state] :as props} _ {:keys [ID]}]
{:value {:keys [:list/users :selected-user]}
:action (fn []
(swap! state assoc-in
{:selected-user {:ID ID :selected true}}))})
@jamesmintram: since your data is normalized at that point you need to put an ident under the :selected-user
the :selected true
might not even be necessary
@anmonteiro: So I tried that as well (using the mutate below) - and it correctly updates the :selected-user value in the state, but that doesn’t propagate to the associated user in :list/users
(defmethod mutate 'users/select
[{:keys [state] :as props} _ {:keys [ID]}]
{:value {:keys [:list/users :selected-user]}
:action (fn []
(swap! state assoc-in
{:selected-user [:user/by-id ID]}))})
@jamesmintram: because that's just a reference
Needed is something that checks that mutates have not taken your state away from normalized, and pops up a message in the browser to say where the problem is. I've written a library does that - will release it tomrrow or very soon. But for now manually look at it and see if Idents are everywhere they should be, which is everywhere.
you then need to update the actual user data structure with whatever new fields you want
@anmonteiro: Hah! Ok, that would probably explain it - I will go away and re-read the docs. @cjmurphy thanks for the advice - I will check it out!
@jamesmintram: what I mean is go ahead and update the entry under :user/by-id ID
which is where your "entities" live in a normalized state
Ah Ok - so in my case, the :selected-user reference is actually redundant - and I am better off using assoc/dissoc on the normalized data.
@jamesmintram: disagree
what is redundant IMO is the :selected
key under the user.
since it'll cause you pain once you want to select another user... You'll have to deselect the currently selected
2 operations instead of one
That is what I originally thought, but then I ended up down this path. So an ideal solution would involve each User component checking itself against the :selected-user ID - and if it matches do something special (in this case, apply a CSS class)
Without any other info that's probably what I'd do
OK thanks!