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Ask them to take out a life-insurance beforehand 😛 (Wait, I’m sure there’s a suicide clause in there somewhere…)
There's a lot of people with high emotion having a bit of a panic attack. I'm just standing by friends who are rattled until things stabilize. What's saddening to me is the sheer vitriol being spewed, which is... so, agonizingly hypocritical, and is really going to make it difficult for any sort of resolution for folks. 😐
I have to admit, I stopped consuming media like 10 years ago, so all the Clinton vs Trump hype just passed by on me. I cannot imagine how one can have panic attacks about the election of a president. But then, be it, I had almost a panic attack when obama received the Nobel Peace Price.
Heh. I hear you there. I've heard everything from 'people are gonna die' to 'there's gonna be executions'
No sense of scale, untethered from reality to some extent. Can't do much at the moment but reassure them, ground them a bit.
Doesn't matter how much I disagree with 'em, yup. Empathy is gonna be vital in the days to come.
fwiw as an outsider, i think that people voted, and no matter which side you was on before the election you need to respect the will of the majority. The thing that concerns me is that america will be represented internationally by a xenophobic bully, the same america that tought us (europeans) about freedom from such bullies not even 100 years ago.
From my point of view america is the typical case of preaching water while drinking wine. At least regarding its foreign affairs.
Most of the Patriot Act is still in effect, until 2019.
Sorry, it's now called the USA Freedom Act
@sveri lol yeah, gotta love contradictory branding. Anyways my point is that Trump has more actual power than a lot of other president's had, and he has demonstrated very impulsive behaviour. You may think there's a lot of chicken little's out there, but unless you know the guy, I wouldn't assume too much about what he's is/isn't going to do.
Unless something out of the ordinary happens, we'll have to stand another election with Trump running for president as the republican nominee.
@sveri There's still enough nuclear warheads to make things considerably worse. Even economically, things can get worse.
@jstaffans I dont agree with Trump here or anyway. Also I dont deny anything, but what is helping that. The last "heute show" here in germany had a routine about climate change and how every minister just canceled out the goals from the climate proposal because of lobbying or whatever. So no matter if its Trump that denies climate change or if its some german minister that does not deny the change, but still only gives a shit, the result is the same, nothing changes...
well, at least the US was on track by joining the Paris agreement, which Trump has said he wants to scrap
I get the feeling our systems are fucked up anyway. I know a lot of people that are scientific, studied some STEM discipline and still believe in homeopathy
Point of order from inside the wire, here - Trump actually lost the popular vote by a hair but won the electoral college convincingly. He won’t have a “mandate” but he will have a unified Congress that is likely to support some of his more worrying-for-the-long-term policy ideas, like tariff-based trade regulation, abrogating our NATO commitments in the Russian near abroad (or possibly just trying to extort protection money from the RNA nations in exchange for our continued observance of same, his rhetoric isn’t super clear), scrapping the Paris accords, and so forth
interesting times, indeed
He get's to select at least one Supreme Court justice. His solution to the national debit is to default unless debit holders agree to take much less than they are owed.
@sveri oh sure, I didn't think you were a supporter, and I also don't want to belittle the plight of the working class in America either. I just think things can get considerably worse in a lot of ways. Yeah, I have the same feelings about climate accords -- we're screwed regardless.
@chris_johnson Wow - I didn't even think of a unified Congress - but that makes it all more....interesting.
@kkruit are you serious? I can't even imagine the ramifications of a US debt default.
@mikebelanger I hope it doesn't happen but he's talked about it.
Here's a sensible one about (inter)national security that you might not have seen:
So what do we do? Don't despair, but state the problem T: “What can I do to prevent or reduce negative effects of the Trump presidency on the world? What can I do to prevent it to happen again in four years?” Iterate on the formulation a few times. Then set out to solve T''' like a good engineer.