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Carsten Behring09:02:51

I try to investigate an issue, where Clerk sometimes decides to re-evaluate a certain form. I run clerk/show in a loop and measure time, and indeed I see sometimes far longer duration of form evaluations. This is confirmed by the debug output coming from here: I have somehow the impression that the hashing of the forms is not always "stable". I see for example that the same form gets different hashes in different calls of "show!" without any code change in between.

"EVAL !!!" :hash "5dr7SHMXW1tdQYL1UbqD6Xdg3bd3jj" :form (def pipe-fn (ml/pipeline (mm/select-columns (concat cat-features numeric-features [:SalePrice])) (mm/replace-missing cat-features :value :NA) (mm/replace-missing numeric-features :midpoint) (fn [ctx] (assoc ctx : train-data)) (mm/transform-one-hot cat-features :full) (mm/set-inference-target :SalePrice) #:metamorph{:id :model} (mm/model {:model-type :smile.regression/random-forest, :trees 1000})))
"EVAL !!!" :hash "5dtaiHaQeang6r83DzaWmbUmTtExFJ" :form (def pipe-fn (ml/pipeline (mm/select-columns (concat cat-features numeric-features [:SalePrice])) (mm/replace-missing cat-features :value :NA) (mm/replace-missing numeric-features :midpoint) (fn [ctx] (assoc ctx : train-data)) (mm/transform-one-hot cat-features :full) (mm/set-inference-target :SalePrice) #:metamorph{:id :model} (mm/model {:model-type :smile.regression/random-forest, :trees 1000})))

Carsten Behring09:02:10

So running this:

(def times
     (repeatedly 10 (fn [] (clerk/time-ms (clerk/show! "src/kaggle.clj"))))))

Carsten Behring09:02:31

produces: ({:result nil, :time-ms 22870.775138} {:result nil, :time-ms 20775.000902} {:result nil, :time-ms 1289.373927} {:result nil, :time-ms 1285.455593} {:result nil, :time-ms 21002.457645} {:result nil, :time-ms 20808.522161} {:result nil, :time-ms 20450.540389} {:result nil, :time-ms 1207.209592} {:result nil, :time-ms 20773.024323} {:result nil, :time-ms 1282.546341})

Carsten Behring09:02:25

4 times fast (from cache) and 6 times slow (Clerk re-evaluated the slow form)

Carsten Behring10:02:04

We are getting somewhere...

 (fn []
    (clerk/parse-file "src/kaggle.clj")
    (get 'kaggle/train))))

Carsten Behring10:02:14

Returns different results.....

Carsten Behring10:02:29

;; => ("5dt6Bi1CeH3guTNdnCKCid5TB1hgwA" ;; "5duH7vdgoEpu9E36jc5fxzWJhMJ7Xg" ;; "5dt6Bi1CeH3guTNdnCKCid5TB1hgwA" ;; "5duH7vdgoEpu9E36jc5fxzWJhMJ7Xg" ;; "5duH7vdgoEpu9E36jc5fxzWJhMJ7Xg" ;; "5ds3nXtgTQ4aUw3xt4KiM41tQbJUsE" ;; "5duH7vdgoEpu9E36jc5fxzWJhMJ7Xg" ;; "5dt6Bi1CeH3guTNdnCKCid5TB1hgwA" ;; "5duH7vdgoEpu9E36jc5fxzWJhMJ7Xg" ;; "5ds3nXtgTQ4aUw3xt4KiM41tQbJUsE")


thanks for digging into this!

Carsten Behring11:02:39

Very inteesting.... I came this far: (-> (clerk/parse-file "src/kaggle.clj") (h/build-graph) :graph :dependencies (get 'kaggle/r-object)) ;; => #{clojure.core/ex-info ;; clojure.string/split ;; kaggle/base-url ;; clojure.core/first ;; clojure.lang.RT/nth ;; opencpu-clj.ocpu/object ;; clojure.lang.Numbers/gt}

Carsten Behring11:02:26

The 'kaggle/r-object changes it's hash, eventhough all deps are a constant string "kaggle/base-url" and the other symbols are from jars

Carsten Behring11:02:09

So the hash should be constant, should it ?

Carsten Behring11:02:47

For ope symbol no location was found ...


an issue with a minimal repro would be great


which one?

Carsten Behring11:02:06

(h/find-location 'opencpu-clj.ocpu/object) -> nil

Carsten Behring11:02:31

this should not be

Carsten Behring11:02:33

Is it this "-" in the ns ?

Carsten Behring11:02:30

(h/ns->jar (namespace 'opencpu_clj.ocpu/object)) -> working

Carsten Behring11:02:39

(h/ns->jar (namespace 'opencpu-clj.ocpu/object)) > nil

Carsten Behring12:02:42

This fix is needed in my view:

(defn ns->path [ns]
  (str/replace (str/replace (str ns) "-" "_")  "." fs/file-separator))

Carsten Behring12:02:06

So, the jar get found for opencpu-clj namespace.

Carsten Behring12:02:35

now all deps above have a location.

Carsten Behring12:02:52

But the hash of kaggle/r-object is nevertheless sometimes different. -> a hash of one of the deps need to be different "sometimes" as code text is constant!


nice catch!


adding a test now


where’s the r-object coming from? don’t see it in

Carsten Behring13:02:28

I will try to commit later:

(defn r-object [library function params]
  (let [resp (ocpu/object base-url :library library  :R function params)]
    (when (>  (:status resp) 201) (throw (ex-info "error" resp)))
    (-> resp
        (str/split #"/")
        (nth 3))))

Carsten Behring13:02:02

It only depends on one more object:

(def base-url "")

Carsten Behring15:02:14

I tried everything, but don't understand it. All inputs to the hashing are constant, and the hashing itself seems as well deterministic

Carsten Behring15:02:33

I did not find , why it fails, but at least which line it makes fail.

(str/split #"/")

Carsten Behring15:02:43

So replacing the above definition with:

(def re #"/")

(defn r-object [library function params]
  (let [resp (ocpu/object base-url :library library  :R function params)]
    (when (>  (:status resp) 201) (throw (ex-info "error" resp)))
    (-> resp
        (str/split re)
        (nth 3))))

Carsten Behring15:02:23

This small example reproduces it. There is something strange about the re

(ns kaggle
  (:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
            [nextjournal.clerk.viewer :as v]))

(def re #"/")

(defn use-re--working-always [s]
  (println "very slow !! - cache working always")
  (Thread/sleep 5000)
  (clojure.string/split s re))

(defn use-re--failing-sometimes [s]
  (println "very slow !! -- cache failing sometimes ")
  (Thread/sleep 5000)
  (clojure.string/split s #"/"))

(def splitted (use-re--working-always "hello/clerk"))

  (def times
       (repeatedly 100 (fn [] (clerk/time-ms (clerk/show! "src/buggy.clj")))))))


;;  using `use-re--failing-sometimes`  does not cache 3 times
(->> times (map  :time-ms) (filter #(> % 5000)))

;; => (5118.088344
;;     5112.789448
;;     5111.539959

;;  using `use-re--alawys-working`  does always cache
(->> times (map  :time-ms) (filter #(> % 5000)))
;; => []

Carsten Behring15:02:29

In here the "frequency" of "Not caching" is very low, 3 out of 1000 In my real code is higher, evey 5th run, I would say.


regular expressions don’t have equality in clojure


digging into how this could affect caching…


this seems to reproduce it pretty reliably:


(require '[nextjournal.clerk.hashing :as h])
(into []
      (comp (map (comp set vals h/hash h/build-graph h/parse-clojure-string))
      (repeat 100 "(fn [x] (clojure.string/split x #\"/\"))"))


thanks a lot for figuring out the the regexp can cause issues! 🙌


(frequencies (into []
                   (comp (map (comp vals h/hash h/build-graph h/parse-clojure-string)))
                   (repeat 1000 "(fn [x] (clojure.string/split x #\"/\"))")))
;;=> {("5dtVT9HVuLAa4BCJBWwz9KQ2b9u37n" "5drKysDWADNZJWwWfgWYs6TETrz7zx")
 ("5dtVT9HVuLAa4BCJBWwz9KQ2b9u37n" "5dt92a8LBSfEScpUk3X7Y1L3vBDKJm")


a heisenbug 🙃

Carsten Behring19:02:56

Indeed interesting. But I though that Clerk uses the "text representation" via prn-str for hashing.


for hashing yes but as nodes in the dep graph it uses either var names or for top level expression the read form

Carsten Behring21:02:16

Looks good to me 👍

Carsten Behring21:02:35

Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 373.011182ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 408.822775ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 454.97627ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 529.977895ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 506.647304ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 437.870516ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 466.663666ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 431.667927ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 488.64744ms.
Clerk evaluated 'src/kaggle.clj' in 449.524183ms.


great, thanks

Carsten Behring21:02:54

I am trying to make a viewer for a MD dataset and started withg something like:

(clerk/set-viewers! [{:pred tc/dataset?
                      :render-fn (quote v/table-viewer)
                      :transform-fn (fn [x]

                                       (cons (tds/column-names x)
                                             (into [] (tds/rowvecs x)))))}])
The transform-fn transforms the dataset to something the table viewer of Clerk understands, but it does not work.


@carsten.behring something like this should work

(clerk/set-viewers! [{:pred tc/dataset?
                      :transform-fn #(hash-map :nextjournal/value
                                               (clerk/table {:head (tds/column-names x)
                                                             :rows (tds/rowvecs x)}))}])


this is what I used to test it

^{::clerk/viewer {:transform-fn #(hash-map :nextjournal/value
                                           (clerk/table {:head (first %) :rows (rest %)}))}}
[[:a :b] [:c :d]]


@carsten.behring on latest main, this can be simplified to

{:pred tc/dataset?
 :transform-fn #(clerk/table {:head (tds/column-names %)
                              :rows (tds/rowvecs %)})}

Carsten Behring19:02:26

ok, I will try it.👍 Would be good to have at some point docu somewhere on the viewer API, it is for sure the most complex public surface of Clerk.


yep for sure, will focus on that once it has settled and we feel it's stable

💯 1

(I only tested it on a simpler example)

Carsten Behring21:02:14

Do you think there is any way, to get this working with Clerk ?