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Martynas Maciulevičius07:02:07

Does anybody know why treemacs fails to highlight git-changed-files? It worked long time ago and now it doesn't work even if I constantly use newest develop version.


Git status is an optional feature in treemacs, so should be enabled in the layers definition in .spacemacs

(treemacs :variables treemacs-use-git-mode 'deferred)
If this has already been enabled since restarting Emacs or reloading the .spacemacs config, then it could be a bug in the treemacs package.


The above works for me on a fairly recent update of Spacemacs and packages. File names are highlighted with a different colour a few seconds after changes are made. Another possible reason git status may not show in treemacs could be the theme used (if some how the faces were the same for changed and unchanged states, although this is less likely).

Martynas Maciulevičius19:02:50

It should be a bug because when I freshly start up spacemacs it shows changed files just fine. But then if I refresh the tree then it shows nothing 😕