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Andrej Golcov13:02:51

Hi, We have parent-child relations in datomic, something like:

 :rootId "1"
 :child/ids [{:childType "a" :childId "2"} {:childType "b" :childId "3"}]
If I want to pull parent data with related children entities, the pull expression looks like this:
[:rootId {:child/ids [:childType :childId]}]
Q: Is there is any way to make pull to retrieve specific child entities e.g. only with type="a"? Something similar to json-path: $child/ids[?(@.type="a")].childId thanks.


I don't think there is. I'd normally change the query to return multiple entities and pull specific attributes off each one.


I've looked into this in the past as well and couldn't find a way.