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Does Malli have a way to wrap input in a vector, if it’s not already a vector? I know this is a one-liner in Clojure but it’s nice to keep all the coercion together. (if (vec? x) x [x])


don’t think so. what is your use case for this? input coercion?


there is mt/collection-transformer, but doing just just any-seq-like->target-type, not wrapping non-seqs into collections.


Use case is a reitit handler that accepts one or more than one multipart files. When the request has one file, the param is a map. When multiple files, the param is a vector. Would be a bit easier to handle if it was always a vector.


I see, you can create a custom transformer for this. like the mt/collection-transformer but with custom functions. You can map any transformer into reitit coercion. not fun, but doable.