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@olical i am hitting that 'Not possible to fast-forward' issue. I know how to get around it, but I can keep it in this state if you'd like me to check out anything while we have a repro


Given this issue has also been reported to affected plugins other than Conjure, it seems likely that this is an issue with packer itself rather than anything Conjure is doing. Unless packer is not being used and this issue is being experienced


strangely I've only seen it with conjure. It's almost definitely a packer issue, but it probably only manifests in certain repos due to some weirdness with how the repo is configured or something weird in its commit history


It's definitely something to do with the shallow clone, just weird that packer has a problem with this repo more than others. git fetch --unshallow makes it so that a subsequent update works


I wonder if it's because of the amount of my commits, or the way I've restarted the project a few times in it's lifetime. I guess it's an edge case of this packer optimisation but I'm not sure what to do about it. Maybe recommend nobody shallow clone Conjure? Or add some force argument to packers update for Conjure :thinking_face: