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I have some metadata I include on some function Vars that is only used for development-time tooling. I am wondering if there is a solution to remove this metadata for release builds - would this be possible with a build hook? I was thinking to walk all the namespaces in the build and update the var metadata before compilation. Does this make sense or is there a better strategy?


answering my own question - unless you explicitly call (meta (var my.ns/a-fun)) the function metadata does not appear to be included in the release builds by default! great!


its not even included in a dev build 😉

😄 1
Lone Ranger18:10:09

Sorry to keep on with this I'm just trying to figure out how to get my intellisense working -- does anyone have any documentation on the import cljs from "goog:cljs.core" style statement? I cannot find anything on this anywhere. Is the goog: part a shadow convention or is that a google closure compiler convention?

Lone Ranger18:10:35

I understand that -- I'm looking for a layer deeper because I'm trying to get the intellisense in my javascript IDE to pick up (compiled) ClojureScript code

Lone Ranger18:10:36

there's no intellisense on cljs when I do import cljs from "goog:cljs.core"; but if I write some "resolve as" code it will work -- just need a few more clues about how it works under thehood

Alexis Schad18:10:23

In the begin of each file there's a call to goog.provide to create the namespace (with the google closure api)

Lone Ranger18:10:17

hang on -- I think this is talking about something else. I would expect that to be goog.require

Alexis Schad18:10:16

I've just exposed the shadowcljs side

Alexis Schad18:10:56

The goog: part is from google closure api

Lone Ranger18:10:36

I've heard that but I can't find any docs on it


the goog: part is some obscure and mostly undocumented feature in the closure compiler


so I wouldn't expect any tools to support it, neither would I know how to make them


import is ESM and CLJS and the Closure Library use ClojureJS module format


import with goog: is just the way to bridge the two, nothing else


unfortunately its also sort of the only way to bridge it

Lone Ranger18:10:41

I'm assuming it is referencing code the in cljs-runtime directory but it's not obvious to me how


when the closure compiler compiles ESM import files it just rewrites them to remove import and export and instead replaces everything with global references


so cljs-runtime doesn't play a role in this in any way, apart from that being the location where the files end up 😉


I upgraded a project from 2.11.23 to 2.20.5. previously index files in sub directories were respected and after upgrade only the top level index is respected.

any ideas to serve sub-app/index.html when localhost:8280/sub-app url is hit (other than downgrading)?


i initially upgraded because binaryage/oops was complaining about js-fn? not existing. It looks like if i jump to 2.12.7 i fix the binaryage/oops error and still get the same index serving pattern.


I assume you use :dev-http where you can set :use-index-files true to get back the old behavior


so :dev-http {8000 {:root "public" :use-index-files true}}


:builds {:app {:devtools
 {:http-root "public"
                   :http-port 8280
                   :preloads [devtools.preload portal.preload]}


yeah thats old and deprecated for several years now


:dev-http {8280 {:root "public" :use-index-files true}} at the top level instead


and remove :http-root :http-port from the build config

👍 1