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Hello! Is there a way to tell clojure-lsp to prefer only deps.edn? I have a project with both deps.edn and project.clj but most places I develop, dont have lein installed and lsp errors out looking for it. Can I somehow say, ignore project.clj
it seems like only :project-path "deps.edn"
should do it, although it's not entirely clear to me, worth trying
looks promising, will try it, thanks!
Yeah, should do it, but I found this same issue on clojure-lsp project itself... There we were merging both deps.edn and bb deps, and bb had a old promesa lib and was overriding the deps.edn when clojure-lsp merge
And then find definition and other analysis things would use one of those 2 jars, which is by luck atm
i tried with
{:project-specs [{:project-path "deps.edn"}]}
errrors with
LSP classpath lookup failed when running ``. Some features may not work properly if ignored.
Error: No value supplied for key: :dir
@rahul080327 that setting is one of the oldest settings, you need to add a classpath-cmd along with it
Yeah, maybe @U04V15CAJ but sounds like a workaround yet
Yep, that setting is not ideal Imo, is a bit old, but the idea was to run that classpath-cmd command if found a project-path file
maybe we could default to ["clojure" "-Spath"]
yeah tried it and it works
great! thanks! will try to PR it too if its a worthy thing too!
I have this too. I have a legacy project that uses lein and deps, but lein errors out because of failing to get some artifacts, so I get a classpath error taking over my vim editor when I load up a file, asking if I want to ignore or retry (I choose ignore)
Yeah, that is suppose to happen, not sure if there is anything to improve besides what we mentioned already
LSP: I am trying to get references (s-l g r) or clock on the lens link… and I get:
cl-no-applicable-method: No applicable method: project-root, (clojure . "~/projects/althea/")
LSP :: {:final-settings
{:source-aliases #{:test :dev},
{:upper-case-drive-letter? false, :encode-colons-in-path? false},
:cljfmt-config-path ".cljfmt.edn",
:document-formatting? true,
:text-document-sync-kind nil,
({:project-path "project.clj",
["/Users/cue/bin/lein" "with-profile" "+test,+dev" "classpath"]}
{:project-path "deps.edn",
:classpath-cmd ["/usr/local/bin/clojure" "-A:test:dev" "-Spath"]}
{:project-path "build.boot",
:classpath-cmd ["boot" "show" "--fake-classpath"]}
{:project-path "shadow-cljs.edn",
{:project-path "bb.edn",
["/usr/local/bin/bb" "print-deps" "--format" "classpath"]}),
:dependency-scheme "jar",
:show-docs-arity-on-same-line? true,
:document-range-formatting? true},
:cljfmt-raw "{}",
{:dependency-scheme "jar",
:show-docs-arity-on-same-line? true,
:text-document-sync-kind nil,
:source-paths nil,
:source-aliases nil,
:cljfmt-config-path ".cljfmt.edn",
:document-formatting? true,
:document-range-formatting? true},
:project-root-uri "file:///Users/cue/projects/althea",
:port "NREPL only available on :debug profile (`bb debug-cli`)",
:project-settings {},
:server-version "2022.10.05-16.39.51",
:clj-kondo-version "2022.10.05",
:classpath-settings nil}
Looks good, I'd suggest upgrading clojure-lsp to latest though, but probably not the issue
so, that error message seems a emacs one, maybe you could try toggle-debug-on-error
and repro the issue
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (cl-no-applicable-method project-root (clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
signal(cl-no-applicable-method (project-root (clojure . "~/projects/althea/")))
cl-no-applicable-method(#s(cl--generic :name project-root :dispatches (((&context . project--within-roots-fallback) #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-eql-generalizer :priority 100 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode -0x1cba94bb2a238cfc>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0xc2b528c28554d5a>)) #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-t-generalizer :priority 0 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode -0x1cba9713a96764e4>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0x2b7bed08469105e>))) (0 #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-head-generalizer :priority 80 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode 0x3a14a44564bea75>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0xc2b528db576651a>)) #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-t-generalizer :priority 0 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode -0x1cba9713a96764e4>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0x2b7bed08469105e>)))) :method-table (#s(cl--generic-method :specializers ((head vc)) :qualifiers nil :uses-cnm nil :function #f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6b9e8a8ac27aec5>)) #s(cl--generic-method :specializers ((head transient)) :qualifiers nil :uses-cnm nil :function #f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6b9e8a8ac27aec5>)) #s(cl--generic-method :specializers (t ((&context . project--within-roots-fallback) eql nil)) :qualifiers nil :uses-cnm nil :function #f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6a7fc5ce8bb6479>))) :options nil) (clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
apply(cl-no-applicable-method #s(cl--generic :name project-root :dispatches (((&context . project--within-roots-fallback) #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-eql-generalizer :priority 100 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode -0x1cba94bb2a238cfc>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0xc2b528c28554d5a>)) #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-t-generalizer :priority 0 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode -0x1cba9713a96764e4>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0x2b7bed08469105e>))) (0 #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-head-generalizer :priority 80 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode 0x3a14a44564bea75>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0xc2b528db576651a>)) #s(cl--generic-generalizer :name cl--generic-t-generalizer :priority 0 :tagcode-function #f(compiled-function (name &rest _) #<bytecode -0x1cba9713a96764e4>) :specializers-function #f(compiled-function (tag &rest _) #<bytecode -0x2b7bed08469105e>)))) :method-table (#s(cl--generic-method :specializers ((head vc)) :qualifiers nil :uses-cnm nil :function #f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6b9e8a8ac27aec5>)) #s(cl--generic-method :specializers ((head transient)) :qualifiers nil :uses-cnm nil :function #f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6b9e8a8ac27aec5>)) #s(cl--generic-method :specializers (t ((&context . project--within-roots-fallback) eql nil)) :qualifiers nil :uses-cnm nil :function #f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6a7fc5ce8bb6479>))) :options nil) (clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
#f(compiled-function (&rest args) #<bytecode 0x31e900ad1d7e41f>)((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
apply(#f(compiled-function (&rest args) #<bytecode 0x31e900ad1d7e41f>) (clojure . "~/projects/althea/") nil)
#f(compiled-function (arg &rest args) #<bytecode 0xaa6b77541a28fae>)((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
apply(#f(compiled-function (arg &rest args) #<bytecode 0xaa6b77541a28fae>) (clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
project-root((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
project-roots((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
#f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6a7fc5ce8bb6479>)((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
apply(#f(compiled-function (project) #<bytecode 0x6a7fc5ce8bb6479>) (clojure . "~/projects/althea/") nil)
#f(compiled-function (arg &rest args) #<bytecode 0xa21f374c5d4bbee>)((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
apply(#f(compiled-function (arg &rest args) #<bytecode 0xa21f374c5d4bbee>) (clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
project-root((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
xref--project-root((clojure . "~/projects/althea/"))
xref--analyze((#s(xref-item :summary #("(defn create-my-cogent" 0 1 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face) fontified t) 1 5 (face font-lock-keyword-face fontified t) 5 6 (fontified t) 6 22 (face (font-lock-function-name-face highlight) fontified t)) :location #s(xref-file-location :file "/Users/cue/projects/althea/src/clojure/althea/app...." :line 16 :column 6)) #s(xref-item :summary #(" (component/start (reset! my-cogent (create-my-co..." 0 2 (fontified t) 2 3 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face) fontified t) 3 12 (face font-lock-type-face fontified t) 12 19 (fontified t) 19 20 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face) fontified t) 20 37 (fontified t) 37 38 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face) fontified t) 38 54 (face highlight fontified t) 54 55 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face) fontified t) 55 56 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face) fontified t) 56 57 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face) fontified t)) :location #s(xref-file-location :file "/Users/cue/projects/althea/src/clojure/althea/app...." :line 34 :column 38))))
xref--show-xref-buffer(#f(compiled-function (&rest _) #<bytecode 0x6a0c468a824bd24>) ((window . #<window 3 on app.clj>) (display-action)))
lsp-show-xrefs((#s(xref-item :summary #("(defn create-my-cogent" 0 1 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face) fontified t) 1 5 (face font-lock-keyword-face fontified t) 5 6 (fontified t) 6 22 (face (font-lock-function-name-face highlight) fontified t)) :location #s(xref-file-location :file "/Users/cue/projects/althea/src/clojure/althea/app...." :line 16 :column 6)) #s(xref-item :summary #(" (component/start (reset! my-cogent (create-my-co..." 0 2 (fontified t) 2 3 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face) fontified t) 3 12 (face font-lock-type-face fontified t) 12 19 (fontified t) 19 20 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face) fontified t) 20 37 (fontified t) 37 38 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face) fontified t) 38 54 (face highlight fontified t) 54 55 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face) fontified t) 55 56 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face) fontified t) 56 57 (face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face) fontified t)) :location #s(xref-file-location :file "/Users/cue/projects/althea/src/clojure/althea/app...." :line 34 :column 38))) nil t)
lsp-clojure--show-references(#<hash-table equal 3/3 0x1fea694cbaf5>)
lsp--execute-command(#<hash-table equal 3/3 0x1fea694cbaf5>)
#f(compiled-function () (interactive nil) #<bytecode -0x1c38a4c4dc09f980>)()
funcall-interactively(#f(compiled-function () (interactive nil) #<bytecode -0x1c38a4c4dc09f980>))
call-interactively(#f(compiled-function () (interactive nil) #<bytecode -0x1c38a4c4dc09f980>) nil nil)
command-execute(#f(compiled-function () (interactive nil) #<bytecode -0x1c38a4c4dc09f980>))
right, so it's coming from lsp-clojure--show-references
a custom function I created just to support clicking on lens and finding their references
does it work if you call lsp-find-references
manually instead of clicking on the lens for that symbol?
from the stack it seems server is returning the references correctly, so maybe it's some issue on lsp-mode side/your lsp-mode installation
keeps asking me if I want to format and I say no. I am using a code block. 🤷:skin-tone-5: Hmm…
so it seems something with your emacs/lsp-mode... any function that uses xref for showing on a little buffer the results it crashes
I work from SP! I meant, how do you install packages? via doom-emacs, spacemacs, vanila with straight.el etc
In my experience, it's pretty common to have bad compilation packages... I suggest reinstalling it and make sure remove it completly before reinstall
okay so started emacs up again and got
Symbol's function definition is void: transient-define-prefix
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with...
@U06T4ATTJ Try deleting ~/.emacs.d/elpa
and restart emacs, this solved a huge problem for me a while ago
I suggest using straight.el in the future for managing your packages, it's what doomemacs and I think spacemacs use and it's pretty reliable
yes, but since I have it in git, I can always go back. not sure what solution you have haha
I was not even born 😂 I'm surprised how much time one can use the same editor, Emacs is awesome.. I hope I use for long years too
So… when I nuke elpa and fire up emacs it is going to go out and fetch a gagillion packages… Hmm…
indeed… now I am facing the cruft of 31 years….
Emacs-x86_64-10_14[26378:2071973] It's not legal to call -layoutSubtreeIfNeeded on a view which is already being laid out. If you are implementing the view's -layout method, you can call -[super layout] instead. Break on void _NSDetectedLayoutRecursion(void) to debug. This will be logged only once. This may break in the future.
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading '/Users/cue/.emacs.d/init.el':
File is missing: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory, ns-auto-titlebar
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with
the '--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace. Disable showing Disable logging
@UKFSJSM38 you still have that basic emacs lsp config that people can try documented somewhere? this helped me tremendously when debugging an issue last time
@U06T4ATTJ hope you made a backup
well remembered, meant?
@U06T4ATTJ I tested with an empty emacs config + that linked config once to verify that clojure-lsp worked and wasn't messed up by anything else