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Ben Lieberman16:11:38

If I am trying to tap an exception into Portal, is calling Throwable->map on that exception first redundant?


I guess it depends on what you want. By tapping the exception directly, you have access to the original exception type. Also, the exception type will be pr-str'd and the value will try to be interpreted as edn by the Portal UI which is similar to the data that Throwable->map will produce.


There's a slight difference in display -- since Portal seems to recognize a hash map created from an exception via Throwable->map -- but I find tap>'ing exceptions directly works just fine for my needs.


Hah, yeah, what he said 🙂

Ben Lieberman17:11:27

Great, thanks @U1G869VNV @U04V70XH6. I just started with Portal this morning and it is so cool! clj

awesome 2