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Any failing test is breaking kaocha-cljs for me. Using one-off testing, it just hangs after showing the first F shows in the reporter. Using --watch, it sends the terminal off the rails, spewing out a seemingly endless list of goog.i18n identifiers:

..."goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols_zh_Hant_MO" "goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols_zh_Hant_TW" "goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols_zu_ZA"], :requires ["goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols" "goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols_u_nu_latn"], :require-types ["goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbolsType"], :group :goog}, "goog.i18n.CompactNumberFormatSymbols_dz" {:file "goog/i18n/compactnumberformatsymbolsext.js", :provides ["goog.i18n.CompactNumberFormatSymbolsExt" "goog.i18n.CompactNumberFormatSymbols_af_NA" "goog.i18n.CompactNumberFormatSymbols_af_ZA"...
Is this a problem someone else has experienced? Or do I need to put together a clean repro?


Seems to be a result of starting with Babashka instead of the official Clojure bin.


While making repro, triggered this without Babashka involved. Still working on a repro because moving some various things around in the repro "fixed" it, to the point that reverting changes did not trigger it again in the same project. Somehow need to zero in more toward the culprit to report.