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Benjamin08:11:18 where is the rss feed of this?


Can anyone suggest any books on tiles, tiling systems and tessellations? I’m more interested in a catalog with explanations of the system or the geometry more than drawing techniques.


<rant> Was just walking a client through some motions in order to run the project I'm developing for him locally on his Mac. So he needed to install babashka, which of course is done via brew. And then brew... updates its repos for some reason, even though I didn't ask? And promptly stops working because it demands Xcode 14.1 that was released just 2 weeks ago! So now we have to reschedule the call because updating Xcode will take approximately forever. </rant>

Lennart Buit14:11:07

Haha I was literally ranting about this today too. brew install $something-random. Oh you mean update everything? Now it is broken! Goodbye.

Ben Sless14:11:52

I hate brew with the burning of thousand suns.


Is macports still a thing in the appleinc world? I recall being quite happy with it a long time ago


It's not as good as a time-machine @U2FRKM4TW, but next time you need to brew install something, check the env exports:


👍 1

my favorite is how whenever i do brew search i can walk away from my desk and make a fresh latte from fresh ground beans and it still probably won't be done when i get back


oh ffs, brew and xcode


I have disabled brew auto-updates and now do brew update (pull git stuff) and brew upgrade <package> manually, always


Does it not require the absolute latest Xcode this way?


babashka doesn't require xcode


Ah, so I'd install bb via bash, gotcha.


I was wondering whether brew update ... would require Xcode because apparently brew itself needs it for some reason.


is it a totally new mac?


I think new macs need xcode command line tools for git or so


just the command line tools would do probably


Oh, Xcode is installed! It's just not the freshest 14.1 but the "ancient" 14.0.

facepalm 2

well yeah, this just sucks

😔 1
Ben Sless14:11:15

Does nix have this problem?

Wanja Hentze15:11:54

it does not! and babashka is packaged in nixpkgs 🙂

🎉 2
Ben Sless15:11:32

The only slight complaint is that some packages in nix aren't as up to date the github releases, what's up with that?

Wanja Hentze15:11:23

two possible causes: • either you're using the stable channel (22.05) and a newer version is in the unstable channel or • the package isn't up-to-date in nixpkgs itself

Wanja Hentze15:11:50

e.g. if I search in for "babashka", I can see that 22.05 has 0.8.2 but unstable has 1.0.165, which is the newest release according to

Wanja Hentze15:11:31

if it's also outdated in unstable, that means it's not getting updated in nixpkgs (

Wanja Hentze15:11:07

most packages are updated by a bot, basically everything where it's just a github repo that needs to be bumped

Wanja Hentze15:11:43

but sometimes that doesn't work. e.g. for terraria-server we need to download a binary blob from some server and the bot doesn't know how to fetch the newest available version, so it's a manual step:

Ben Sless16:11:43

latest is 167 iirc

Wanja Hentze16:11:43

so nixpkgs is up-to-date it appears


not sure who to blame here... Apple or Brew? I suspect Apple to be honest...


non-deterministic CLI's that call themself "friendly"

Ben Sless14:11:01

Brew auto updating everything every time you want to install anything is unacceptable

Ben Sless14:11:15

It's a bad tool, and I would expect it to run a check that XCode is going to break it, notify the user, and ask how to continue, including updating XCode for you (with a warning it will take forever and a half)


The brew team is pretty public about their opinions around updates -- we saw this with the original Clojure tap and that's why Clojure has its own tap now. The brew team's basic position is that every tool must always have the latest dependencies for everything. So if you have something that depends on you having a JDK installed, brew will always update your JDK to the latest they have -- so you have zero control over your dev env and they think that's "fine" 😐

Ben Sless17:11:39

Like I said, bad tool which disrespects its users


"Like I said, bad team which disrespects its users" -- FTFY 🙂

🙂 1
Ben Sless19:11:23

Tomato tomato


Just came here to vent. Just got burned by brew


Goddamned auto update. Goddamned install dependents check whatever nonsense that is


Eternal hell cannot wait to get a hold of those who build tools with auto update turned on


Fascism. That’s what it is


Recently switched! Started using brew on Linux to install a few things. And quickly realized that using multiple package managers can lead to confusion.


Mostly liking the Linux experience but am still currently sometimes confused by how copy and paste works.

Ben Sless15:11:17

copy and paste? Just like everyone else, no?


Ya dunno, probably just noobie-me. Yesterday I was trying to copy something from my firefox browser and paste to my emacs editor. I didn't figure it out.


shift+insert often works in cases like this

gratitude-thank-you 1

@UE21H2HHD every time I've experienced that behavior it was related to emacs clipboard interaction in linux, and not to linux desktops. I never experienced it in other apps


Thanks so much for the tips!


There are two main differences between clipboard in Linux and Windows (not familiar with Mac here): • There are two buffers, one of them is the selection buffer and the other is the actual clipboard • If you copy something from an app an then close that app, the clipboard is emptied (at least, in Xorg - no clue about Wayland)

Ben Sless18:11:53

For all the bad (terrible, really) reputation clipboard has on Linux, don't think I've ever had issue with it

Dimitar Uzunov20:11:35

I use the middle mouse button to paste a lot on linux

gratitude-thank-you 1

Not sure yet what works in what scenario and what the differences are. • right mouse button in some apps to open a context menu then copy/paste • shift+insert to paste • middle mouse button to paste • shift-ctrl-c to copy Lotsa muscle memory from macOS for cmd-c and cmd-v is probably also futzing me up a bit.


@UE21H2HHD so in linux there are two "clipboards", one is the current selection, that you can always paste by mid mouse btn. The other is the clipboard you fill with a copy command (or Ctrl-c), that you can paste with paste commands (Ctrl-v), unless you are in an app that captures ctrl-c and ctrl-v (like terminals) where you can use ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v instead


so for quick copy-paste I think the fastest is select something (anywhere, emacs works also), and mid button wherever you want to paste a copy of whatever is selected


very helpful, thanks so much @U0739PUFQ!


For most terminals, Ctrl Shift V will paste (Ctrl V captures escape code of next key press). Not sure how you are running Emacs, but that could be a factor.


Thanks @U90R0EPHA! I'm running doom emacs from a terminal. Running from the terminal is nice and zippy! (I was running an emacs UI build on macOS before)

Martynas Maciulevičius07:11:14

I use kitty terminal and there I have some shortcuts with which I can capture links, words, lines and filenames into the clipboard without lifting a finger from a keyboard to select a region with mouse partyparrot I can also use the same method to directly paste (without going through clipboard) from that same terminal window into the prompt too For instance I configured Ctrl+Shift+y f (press the first combination, then f) to yank a filename into clipboard and Ctrl+Shift+p f to paste a filename into the current terminal window. They had some of these as defaults and I configured the clipboard one myself.


while I can touch-type decently by intuition/inertia, I also could level up my game. any of you did a specific thing to improve this skill? Open to suggestions :)


I've used the following to improve my typing, mostly as I tweak my keymap and learn new layouts • - good for practicing specific bigrams that I struggle with • - good for practicing speed • - specifically used this for learning the colemak layout, but it also has the ability to practice QWERTY. It starts by practicing words on the homerow and then with each level adds more keys. Bad for speed, nice for learning a new layout

🙌 1

This blog post was posted on recently with a bunch of links and resources

💡 1

btw, my main area of struggle is the non "a-z" zone. Without the nudges like those at F and J I easily lose my reference for numbers, symbols, etc. So my typing will be correct but off by one :) been thinking about creating some little nudges if that's not too heretic?


My partner found some stick-on "dots" because their k/b didn't have any and that's helped them a lot. My kb doesn't have any either, but I'm not sure I like the big dots they are using. My laptop has little tiny bars on F and J but those don't actually help me... so maybe I do need something bigger?


maybe you can stack the dots :) sounds like it would work for me, also nice that I won't alter much the work laptop.


Just pick any online typing tutor, and focus on accuracy over speed. You will gain a surprising amount of speed without even trying if you focus on accuracy instead. If you focus primarily on speed, you will tend to internalize the habit of missing chars, which then need to be corrected, reducing total throughput drastically. When you reach a plateau, the best way to purposefully practice speed will mostly be in short bursts.: • Find a speed that is just out of reach. • Type some chars at 1/2 that speed focusing on accuracy (maybe 10-ish chars? 2-3 words? Pick something that aligns with grouping of whatever software you are using). • Then type roughly the same number of chars at the target speed. Expect to make a lot of mistakes during the fast periods. And that is good. Your brain is well wired to learn from mistakes. The 1/2 speed section serves as good comparison for your subconcious process to can better calculate how those mistakes happened and how to correct on the next burst. • Alternate back and forth between slow and fast, and increase the target as appropriate. You should only need tactile indicators to locate the home row position. Everything else is just reaching a certain finger a certain distance from that position. Whenever you reach for a keyboard, you should just naturally gravitate to the home keys before you even have any idea what you plan to type. During initial practice, you should return all 8 fingers to the home row position after every single character. Once you habituate always returning home, you can start typing things like "tr" with a single motion of your index finger before returning to rest over the F key, or jumping over the home position of D to type "ce", but again returning to D on completion.

😍 1

thanks! those are some promising insights.


9 (left paren) key is a very very good candidate to stick a dot on though, for obvious reasons clojure-spin


9 should be typed with your ring finger, which should make it reasonably easy to find once accustomed to it. Distinguishing 0 from -, and - from = are much harder. All done with the pinky and feel kinda the same. I could definitely see some benefit to marking one of those. (Personally, would probably mark 0 as the "default" stretch of the pinky to the num row.)


slightly off topic, but think others will find this interesting. read this book recently (;q=remington#v=snippet&amp;q=remington&amp;f=false) which talks about why QWERTY came to be and it actually took lots of dedicated resources from Remington - including Remington-owned schools to teach QWERTY touch typing.. So I guess we can blame.. capitalism for QWERTY 😛 ?


The basic strategy for touch typing is that each finger, based on its position in the home row, is in charge of a bottom-right to top-left diagonal of keys. Example, the left pinky covers Z, A, Q, 1. Then the keys outside of these diagnonals, such as G or Y are divvied up between the index and pinky fingers closest to each. Following this, you should see why 9 would go to the right ring finger, and why it should become easy to find with some practice. But you probably also notice the right pinky has a whole lot of work to do. The 6 key is traditionally assigned to right index, but if you are a lefty and want to use your left hand, I say go for it. But pick one and stick to it. You may be tempted to make personal adjustments to overcome the awkwardness of certain fingers. But I strongly suggest that during the time you commit to learning, you be as strict as you can manage about using the "correct" finger for every key (including working that pinky to the bone 😄). Overall the strict assignmet will pay off, even if you still decide to throw in a few personal exceptions later.


I recommend a decade or two of MMORPGs pre-voice chat - typing out old EverQuest raid commands and party chat all day and night really ups the typing game 😂


Time well spent


Touch-typing is hard for me, physically, as my pinky fingers are both crooked (like my grandma -- but it skipped my mother's generation). Over the years, I've become a pretty fast typist and can type notes without checking the keyboard (but not code -- I lose accuracy as soon as I need punctuation!).


Not using the pinky has been my religion for the past 10 years :) my thinking is summarized in this comment: Personally as soon as I use the pinky I feel something is 'off', as in, this probably would build up some pain, if sustained. This is similar to when I scroll my phone by using the thumb (as most people would) instead of holding the phone with one hand, and using the index finger of the other hand in its natural, straight position. One feels complected, the other composed :) (you're composing both of your arms vs. making knots with your fingers 🪢) ...I'm not in the mood for discussion btw so let that simply be my personal input.


Most likely use of your pinky feels"off" exactly because you avoid using it. If you have no demands of your pinky, then your the brain has no reason to devote resources into wiring it up for fine motor control and advanced proprioception. Do what you will with that. 🤷


I think it's most likely that each muscle and joint has its naturally-intended usage patterns and ranges of motion. It's like those people who press Ctrl by squashing their palms against that key - that gesture looks simply un-natural, no brain wiring would fix that. Luckily I've had no ergo problems over 10y even when doing nothing special (other than the pinky avoidance, which implies that my hands hover over the keyboard, along with the rest of the arm). Every person I've met on the unfortunate side was passionate about home row, ergonomic keyboards, wrist/arm rests etc... watching them type was unpleasant as their hands looked very contorted, and their limbs very static and squashed against those rests.


I don't do or care about any of all that. Built in keyboard on 13.5" laptop is just fine for me.

🙂 1

I rebind capslock to ctrl when held/esc when tapped, makes a lot of difference in emacs and vim-like modes - my kids were pretty amazed when they first found out I can type totally fine with my eyes closed or looking the opposite direction of my computer/screen 😂


one of the things that I like about colemak is it moves letters & bi-grams to de-emphasize the use of the pinky


I'm probably on the "unfortunate" side and do use ergonomic keyboards etc, but tbh I try not to spend long periods typing these days

Benjamin C22:12:15

Home row mods and custom keyboard layouts has made a world of difference for me.