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I am thinking of changing jobs, I was hoping to jump to a clojure role noticing there are not many jobs being posted at the moment, I would also consider other functional languages, curious what other would consider functional language worth looking into ? not in any real hurry so hoping I find something in clojure but I have to consider other options. Been looking on clojurejobsboard at available jobs which are mainly from the beginning of the month also #C05006WDW has been rather quite recently.

Pagoda 5B13:06:00

I've seen Docker recruiting for a lot of new people, specifically clojure devs for a given part of the platform


I actually applied to that job but never heard anything back, unfortunately thanks for the suggestion, I may hold out yet but just looking at other avenues as I am not enjoying my current role any more.

Pagoda 5B14:06:50

Sure, it might simply be that they have many people in their queue to handle. I can tell you that for me it took ~1 month to get a reply and schedule a first call.

Pagoda 5B14:06:10

Good luck, my friend

👍 2

I'd suggest you take a look on Elixir, which is also loved by its users


Another language for jobs right now is Typescript


Yeah i have done typescript but I can't say i enjoy it in any way


I do see elixir mentioned so could be worth looking into, currently worked with php, python js and typescript outside of clojure, but i am aware there are a lot of languages out there that I could look into, I figure my clojure experience might mean I can apply for a functional job and be trained / learn on the job. I have seen other company's ask for a functional language but don't expect you to specifically know the one they work with.


Rust seems also nice to invest at, it does solve problems FP folks care about


I am aware of rust, I guess I should have clarified a bit looking more web development partly because that's where my knowledge and experience are, to my knowledge rust is not really for web development but I could be wrong 🙂


It is good for Web, perhaps not that developed in comparison to other stuff


If I wasn't working in Clojure, I'd probably look for Kotlin jobs. I like the JVM and I've already done quite a bit of Java, Groovy, and Scala - but I think Kotlin hits a sweet spot nine of those others do.

👍 8

But's the Hyped Thing:tm:


Kotlin I have been considering looking into I often see it mentioned.


I try to follow the Pragmatic Programmer advice and learn a new language every year or two: I enjoyed Kotlin a lot more than Rust. Rust is definitely interesting but just not as much "fun" for me (and I've done a lot of C and C++ in the past).


yeah I get the feeling I would not enjoy rust, one of the things I like in clojure land is the dynamism and lack of ceremony, dart was another one I have considered looking at (partly because of clojure dart) but not sure on demand in the job market. I would love to spend time looking at other language but finding the time for anything is a struggle.


Rust is a weird thing, but I feel that one can only say if it is for her/him after spending some decent amount of time in its learning curve. Not really appealing to Clojurists, but I find that its Type System is well thought


I've heard from a clojurist once that Kotlin is a fine language. Having known the person that said it makes it quite positive


for sheer number of available jobs, kotlin easily wins on this list of languages. lots of java shops are moving backend stuff to kotlin, and android is, as far as i know, kotlin first these days. plus, similar to clojure, the jvm, and arguably its even easier to take advantage of the ecosystem with kotlin than clojure (think spring). it’s also got some of its own decent web stuff. and you can do it all relatively functional


elixir is probably next but also probably orders of magnitude fewer jobs laughcry


that said, its probably the most clojure like experience of them all. the repl is really good (though its a slightly different experience than with clojure), and the tools (mix) are great (and definitely better than clojure). for web stuff, see


i ❤️ rust a lot right now. its pretty different than these others but wow, fast, also has great tools. some jobs out there but the sense i get is that its still more of a “we adopted rust internally but stayed kinda quiet about it”.

Jacob O'Bryant16:06:34

I've been looking into golang recently (I'm interviewing with a company that uses it) and I'm actually liking the vibes so far--seems like a nice complement to Clojure. Maybe worth looking into at least. Not functional though.


I was disappointed when I learned Go... it wasn't what I expected... in many ways, Rust was much more what I hoped Go would be. And there's a lot of Go that I dislike from a language design p.o.v. (and, yeah, I have really strong opinions on language design 🙂 which is also why I dislike Ruby/Elixir).

👆 2
Jacob O'Bryant17:06:39

heh yes, I did read through this discussion: I am a bit wary, especially since I've already had one experience of going into a job thinking "eh, language choice shouldn't be a deciding factor" and then afterward thinking "yeah I definitely want to stick with clojure in the future if possible". But we'll see 🙂. At an absolute minimum, go does seem to be a nice choice for weekend/throwaway projects where you don't need a DB, since you can deploy it to e.g. netlify for free as a serverless fn.


go is one of those things that my practical side totally understands and, yet, i just don’t like it


I tried Go after learning FP and Elixir... IMO it is too poor semantically. Hell, I think that even JavaScript has better semantics!


@U04V70XH6 have you tried Erlang as well? Lots of open jobs in the market (less new people coming in in the last years)


I find the syntax of Elixir ugly, but (again) semantically it is IMO excellent. This is where Ruby differs a lot from it.


there’s always

😁 6

Kotlin seems like a good shout. I’ll add that to my list. I have tried Elixir in the past and it’s nice but there are a few issues: • niche language on a niche vm so libraries can be an issue • Phoenix is great but all macros under the hood • preference for structs over open maps • feels lispy but has Ruby syntax • not many jobs


@U03HHT2F9S4 Yeah, as I said in "If I want to do anything on BEAM (I don’t), then I would use Erlang as I’m perfectly happy with that syntax, which is inspired by (Edinburgh) Prolog which I like using. Or perhaps I would use LFE so I could write Erlang in a Lisp flavor." 🙂

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(at some conference I went to years ago -- maybe LambdaConf? -- I signed up for an Erlang workshop and did quite a bit of hobby Erlang afterward)


I would say just don’t give up in applying to clojure jobs — you may have to scavenge HN threads, this slack,, and various other websites, but I did just that for about two months last year and it’s paid off, in the sense that I love my current job and get to use a stack I like


in the first quarter of this year i also saw a lot of new job openings that made me think “wow, i wish they posted these back in october, not now”…