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YFM (your favorite matt). 6 year clojure dev. finally realizing I need to be on the slack.

👋 10
Nimrod Sadeh01:06:28

Hello, my name is Nim. I have been doing FP for a short while now (about 4 years), first in Scala and TypeScript and then Elm. I found ClojureScript when I was trying to build my first mobile app and wanted to use my favorite language Elm, but it doesn't support React Native, so I looked for alternatives. I found a lot of rave reviews for ClojureScript and decided to take the leap and learn something new - I never dealt with Lisp or untyped languages before, so even though I am somewhat experienced in FP this is all new stuff. It's really quite pleasant to write Clojure though so I am looking forward to learning more! The other finalist for a functional language that works with React Native was ReScript, but I wanted the added challenge

👋 13
Colin (fosskers)03:06:01

The whole package that Clojure offers is really clean once you get it going!

Aleix Morgadas21:06:34

Hi there! I'm Aleix from Barcelona. I have been trying to learn Clojure some years ago, and thanks to Janet twitter threads, I got some energy to start again 😄 When I started with Scala, I was introduced to Functional Programming and I liked how it was so different to what I was used to. Today, I want to explore Clojure because it's so far from my confort zone that I'm sure it will teach me new ways of thinking about software.

lambda-prompt 6
👋 16