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Dustin Getz15:12:10

@alexandrkozyrev We do support spec (for example the new-fiddle button is validated with this spec)

(s/def :hyperfiddle.ide/new-fiddle (s/keys :req [:fiddle/ident]))
(s/def :fiddle/ident keyword?)
Hyperfiddle will automatically detect specs based on the namespaced keywords (attributes, fiddle-ident) and validate for you. BUT you can't define specs from userland yet. We need to improve our compiler to support (ns (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s])) and then you'll be able to register your own specs. Because spec is implemented with macros, it doesn't work unless you explicitly :require it.

Dustin Getz15:12:43

This is a high priority, I'm supposed to work on it next week

Dustin Getz15:12:43

We also have the beginnings of a Hyperfiddle data model spec to validate the hyperfiddle editor and define it's business rules