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just got bitten by the implicit refer all in the page macro again. while importing some code from another project, i failed to account for the free variable p
(elem :w (r 1 1) :h 66 :p p :c white)
this took a few mins longer than it would normally take me to figure out, however, since p was being bound to the paragraph fn and consequently throwing off the error message:
ui.cljs:105Uncaught Error: Error validating attribute of type length with value function (var_args){
var rest__9347_SHARP_ = null;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
var G__9351__i = 0, G__9351__a = new Array(arguments.length - 0);
while (G__9351__i < G__9351__a.length) {G__9351__a[G__9351__i] = arguments[G__9351__i + 0]; ++G__9351__i;}
rest__9347_SHARP_ = new cljs.core.IndexedSeq(G__9351__a,0);
@jumblerg: to avoid that I do most of work on .cljs files, only using .hl for pages that only calls other namespaces doing as little as possible.
nah, it's like 5 minutes work to make a task that implements your own page
thing, transforms it into a hoplon page
i’m not exactly sure what that change should be yet, i haven’t dug into the implementation, just making the general case for it.
i think maybe it should go the other way, though… page should take a :`refer :all` sort of thing.
there’s also a bug i recall ignoring some time ago that pops up when there are multiple pages in the same project