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Hmm- just to put my two cents in as someone who writes web applications for clients... Rails, even as metaphor, doesn't make a lot of sense anymore, IMHO.


It was a good idea at a time when applications tended to have a particular shape.


i.e. server generating html, rdbms for data, reloads or AJAX for updates, etc.


The things I'm writing these days don't look like that at all, and worse, they are not very uniform.


@amashi I agree that a lot of the value of Rails is a bit dated, but I think some of what it provides now is still relevant. I still need to route incoming HTTP requests, I still need to provide some kind of response to the client, and I still need to configure my application etc. Look to Phoenix for elixir on a web framework that is completely flexible but still provides those Rails-like features.


@amashi if I understand correctly, Arachne will be modular like Phoenix (and frankly like Rails is nowadays), and you’ll probably be able to use Arachne for your HTTP stuff as part of a larger Clojure application.


I’d love a future where Arachne provides that skeleton for other parts of my Clojure apps, not just the web parts, and it sounds like that’s a longer term goal

Oliver George08:07:50

Topically... David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of the Ruby on Rails framework and a partner at the software development company Basecamp, talks to Stefan Tilkov about the state of Ruby on Rails and its suitability for long-term development. He addresses some of its common criticisms, such as perceived usefulness for only simple problems, claimed lack of scalability, and increasing complexity. David also talks about the downsides of building JavaScript-centric, “sophisticated” web UIs, and why he prefers well-structured, “majestic” monoliths to microservices.