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Hi! I am using re-graph with AWS AppSync. I have a problem with this code:

(rf/dispatch [::rg/subscribe
                  {:id        "help"
                   :query     "subscription MySubscription {\n  onCreateTestModel {\n    id\n    title\n  }\n}"
                   :variables {:some "variable"}
                   :callback  [::on-thing]}])
I am getting the error:
Error: Doesn't support name:
which indicates there’s a nil parameter to the name function as far as I can tell. I looked through the re-graph code (0.2.0) and none of the instances where name is invoked seem to be problematic. Any run into this or can help me? Thanks in advance!


Hello, are you getting any stack trace at all (are you on cljs?)


And how did you call init?


Good morning @U076R6N1L. I called init and am not getting a stacktrace


I am on cljs, I am using Krell and re-frame


are you sure the error is not occurring in your callback? if you don't have a stacktrace, how do you know the error is coming from re-graph?