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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)13:09:55

FYI I have added a new example to FulcroDemos, supplied by Tony, see for details

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)13:09:07

@U0CKQ19AQ Any tips how to get rid of the react-dom.development.js:87 Warning: ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18. in workspaces? I tried to wrap the value of the ::ct.fulcro/app property with with-react18 but that did not have any effect 🙏


You'd have to patch workspaces itself. Workspace is mounts fulcro apps as well.


Or, you could just use react 17.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:09:05

I can send a PR if you want...? Otherwise I'll stick with 17


If you can make a PR that makes it possible for the user of workspaces to choose the react version for workspaces that would be best. Ppl using older versions shouldn’t break.

👀 1

Wonderful!! Jakub, I sent you a DM with the example I tried to make, but got stuck. Wait, I’ll post it here.

👀 1

In our backend logs, I noticed that some mutations were executed multiple times with the exact same arguments within a very short time span, but in different threads. Does anyone know why this is happening?