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Cross-posting is evil, but…
(ns test1
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :as m]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom]))
(defonce app (do (println "Def app!") (app/fulcro-app)))
(defsc Counter [this {:ui/keys [n]}]
{:query [:ui/n :counter/id]
:ident :counter/id
:initial-state (fn [_] {:counter/id 1 :ui/n 1})}
(dom/button {:onClick
(fn [evt]
(m/set-integer! this :ui/n :value (inc n)))}
(str "N:" n)))
(def ui-counter (comp/factory Counter))
(defsc Root [this {:keys [counter]}]
{:query [{:counter (comp/get-query Counter)}]
:initial-state (fn [_] {:counter (comp/get-initial-state {})})}
(dom/h3 "Hello from Fulcro!")
(ui-counter counter)))
(app/mount! app Root "demo-app") ; <1>
I haven’t tested it 😅
Thank you! I will look into it as soon as I can
Yeah, me to. Isn’t it enough to issue some call to get it hooked in? I am not sure how it works underneath…
My rewrite of the defsc macro could have screwed up, perhaps? I essentially copy-pasted but that might be insufficient
and yes, inspect itself is written in (old) Fulcro, and it’s just a comm protocol between the two
state database says:
{nil #:ui{:n 1}, :com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application/active-remotes #{}}
so yeah, ident isn’t working for some reasonI tried initial state in convenience mode and non convenience, but made a typo there
Nice to see that you too are human 🙂
FYI it might be easier to use , follow , and then eval stuff in
Thx for the feedback! I have mostly focused on the plumbing and not usage. I am sure there is a ton to improve. I might have messed up integration of clojure-mode …
(ns test1
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :as m]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom]))
(defonce app (do (println "Def app!") (app/fulcro-app)))
(defsc Counter [this {:ui/keys [n] :as props}]
{:query [:ui/n :counter/id]
:ident :counter/id
:initial-state {:counter/id 1 :ui/n 1} }
(dom/button {:onClick
(fn [evt]
(m/set-integer! this :ui/n :value (inc n)))}
(str "N:" n)))
(def ui-counter (comp/factory Counter))
(defsc Root [this {:keys [counter]}]
{:query [{:counter (comp/get-query Counter)}]
:initial-state {:counter {}}}
(dom/h3 "Hello from Fulcro!")
(dom/div (pr-str (app/current-state this)))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-initial-state Root {})))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-ident Counter {:counter/id 3})))
(ui-counter counter)) )
(app/mount! app Root "demo-app") ; <1>
(defsc Root [this {:keys [counter]}]
{:query [{:counter (comp/get-query Counter)}]
:initial-state {:counter {}}}
(dom/h3 "Hello from Fulcro!")
(dom/div (pr-str (app/current-state this)))
(dom/div (pr-str (meta (comp/get-query Counter))))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-ident (:component (meta (comp/get-query Counter))) {:counter/id 44})))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-initial-state Root {})))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-ident Counter {:counter/id 3})))
(ui-counter counter)) )
The component is in the metadata of the query, and the get-ident works just fine from that component to generate an ident
There’s nothing wrong with the component or the base internal algorithm for normalization. Something about mount itself?
(defsc Root [this {:keys [counter]}]
{:query [{:counter (comp/get-query Counter)}]
:initial-state {:counter {}}}
(let [s (norm/tree->db Root {:counter {:counter/id 5}} true)]
(dom/h3 "Hello from Fulcro!")
(dom/div (pr-str s))
(dom/div (pr-str (app/current-state this)))
(dom/div (pr-str (meta (comp/get-query Counter))))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-ident (:component (meta (comp/get-query Counter))) {:counter/id 44})))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-initial-state Root {})))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-ident Counter {:counter/id 3})))
(ui-counter counter))))
So, summary of my findings: • Component itself seems ok. query, initial state, embedding of component on query, ident. • Normalization alg works fine when invoked manually
I would suspect that I did something wrong when rewriting macros into SCI (it was almost only copy-paste, but this does’t always yield the expected result)
Ah, yes. Comp. registry is a dyn var, and they are special.
Though we should only be setting it from code the SCI script (the content of the editor) invokes, no? Unless defsc
expands into code that tries to set it…
and for hot code reload support the components use the registry to pull the updated query (or dynamic even)
These two lines in defsc*
nspc (if (cljs? env) (-> env :ns :name str) (name (ns-name *ns*)))
fqkw (keyword (str nspc) (name sym))
in CLJ assumes *ns*
will work, in cljs the compiler has that in &env. Don’t know for sci
Yep, for some reason, sci env lacks :ns LEt me fix it…
This is true on all of the component generating things. They need to be able to figure out the ns to make the registry key
Actually, :ns should have been there…
If I look up the class with :/Counter
I do get something back, so even though it is wrong, I think perhaps that isn’t causing the normalization problem. I can call get-query
on it, and it works, so it seems like it is a functioning component. So, it may or may not be the root cause of the problem.
Using development.cljs in my sci.configs, with this code in the init
fn (copy of yours), I get the updates when I click the button:
(sci/eval-string* full-ctx "
(ns test (:require
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :as m]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.react.version18 :refer [with-react18]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.normalize :as norm]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]))
(defonce app (-> (app/fulcro-app) with-react18))
(defsc Counter [this {:ui/keys [n] :as props}]
{:query [:ui/n :counter/id]
:ident :counter/id
:initial-state {:counter/id 1 :ui/n 1} }
(dom/button {:onClick
(fn [evt]
(m/set-integer! this :ui/n :value (inc n)))}
(str \"N:\" n)))
(def ui-counter (comp/factory Counter))
(defsc Root [this {:keys [counter]}]
{:query [{:counter (comp/get-query Counter)}]
:initial-state {:counter {}}}
(let [s (norm/tree->db Root {:counter {:counter/id 5}} true)]
(dom/h3 \"Hello from Fulcro!\")
(dom/div (pr-str s))
(dom/div (pr-str (app/current-state this)))
(dom/div (pr-str (meta (comp/get-query Counter))))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-ident (:component (meta (comp/get-query Counter))) {:counter/id 44})))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-initial-state Root {})))
(dom/div (pr-str (comp/get-ident Counter {:counter/id 3})))
(ui-counter counter))))
(app/mount! app Root \"app\"))
but this is in shadow dev mode, could differ in :advancedwait, not fine…it initialized correctly, but it still won’t let me run the mutation. still says ident is missing
So, yeah, updated summary: • Initial state is nil on first mount • CMD-Enter on updated code (after trying a mutation) has someething in db • So, it is initialization of the first frame db that is not happening at all
In terms of “Inspect”. Just having a formatted db you can look at is probably good enough, and that’s easy enough to do.
Where / how is initial state nil on 1st mount? When using the sci.configs development.cljs, and evaluating the code above from init
+ reloading the page, I get current state =
{:fulcro.inspect.core/app-id "/Root", :counter [:counter/id 1], :counter/id {1 {:counter/id 1, :ui/n 1}}, :fulcro.inspect.core/app-uuid #uuid "e0f73551-f2a4-4788-aeff-f498f7cc6148"}
so it is not empty?I do not see the problem. Where should I look?
When I get the html from and serve it with e.g. python3 -m http.server 8888
then http://localhost:8888/dev-editor.html renders
{:counter [:counter/id 5], :counter/id {5 #:counter{:id 5}}}
State{:fulcro.inspect.core/app-id "/Root", :counter [:counter/id 1], :counter/id {1 {:counter/id 1, :ui/n 1}}}
{:component #object[Function], :queryid "/Counter"}
[:counter/id 44]
{:counter {:counter/id 1, :ui/n 1}}
[:counter/id 3]
N: 1
which looks fine? What am I missing? (Though the missing ns obviously still is wrong, but at least it is missing consistently everywhere)BTW I see why the ns is missing, I assumed that it was a string but it should be a map with :name …
FYI pushed a fix for the missing namespace, and is updated with the fix
To summarize, I do not know how to replicate Initial state is nil on first mount
and/or hot code eval issues 🙏
Let me see…
It works there now, it seems to me. Just make sure to not use cached version of code-editor.js