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First of all, I wanted to say that I’m really excited about cherry’s value prop. The Closure compiler is a great piece of tech, but I think its complexity and foreignness to the broader frontend community scare away a lot of possible clojurescript users. To me it’s clear that a simple clj ns->js module compiler is the way forward. Is there currently a way to get a repl in cherry, or is it currently only a batch compiler?


@U01EB0V3H39 I'm working on REPL stuff, but it's not fully there yet. #C03U8L2NXNC, cherry's sister project does have a console or socket REPL, no nREPL just yet.


However, with a file watcher in place you can leverage JS hot reloading today, e.g. using vite


Makes sense, I’m excited to see where it goes!