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What’s involved in adding various elements from the RAD demo to the official fulcro 3 template?


ummm. coding? Really you just add the deps and start using it. Not sure what you’re asking.


you do need to upgrade the version of Fulcro, since the RAD tools use some of the newer features. I think it requires the multi-root renderer, which is documented, I believe.


Hah, I suppose after a night of sleep that was not a very good question. Sorry about that! I just got the Fulcro 3 template working with migratus and replaced the mock database with postgres. I'm watching your overview vid and reading up on the rad book so I'm trying to decide if I should start over again with the RAD demo, or if I should pull in RAD components as needed, or just stick to Fulcro 3 to get it working then migrate later.


As for a first question: Is Datomic required for RAD?

Michael W16:09:02

It’s not required but the sql adapter is alpha and unmaintained.


I can't tell yet if you can just use Postgres, if you use Datomic on top of postgres, or if Datomic is a hard requirement.

Michael W16:09:37

You can write resolvers into any database you want, the datomic support just makes it so you don’t have to do that for datomic.

Michael W16:09:26

Datomic Pro can run using postgresql as it’s storage back end.


Hmm ok so not using datomic is possible, but its not a widely-supported, polished path yet. Last I saw, Datomic was not open-source and I would need to pay to use it?


Does RAD work best with Datomic Cloud (or at least dev-local version to get started) or the Community Edition? I find myself a bit overwhelmed with the options atm 😅

Michael W16:09:58

If it’s not commercial you can use datomic free. If it’s commercial you do have to pay.

Michael W16:09:23

Datomic cloud support is new, I saw an announcement about it recently that it is supported now.


Haven't thought too far ahead on that yet. Aiming to keep it open-source but perhaps charge a few bucks a month for a hosted service version of it. But only if it comes out well, people find it interesting\useful, and it's a reasonable amount of work to add in paid subscriptions. That likely would put me in the commercial territory. Which means I should probably use the Starter on-premise to get started or the Datomic Cloud dev-local.


I definitely lack sys-admin skill\experience so I'm probably much better off with datomic cloud. I'll start with dev-local, keep it open-source until I'm ready to create a paid version then use a paid Datomic Cloud setup for production sometime down the road.


Now I'm kinda thinking it might be best to keep with the fulcro3 template + postgres config. Get to a stable place with a CLI or TUI then try implementing it with RAD using Datomic Cloud for comparison.

Michael W17:09:25

You can use RAD with postgres you just have to write resolvers, pretty much the same you would do with just plain fulcro.

Michael W17:09:01

RAD gives you quite a bit of things, but for me forms is the killer feature, not having to write every piece of html is very nice.


Oh! That doesn't sound so bad. For someone who hasn't developed with Fulcro yet or RAD, you would recommend getting started with RAD?

Michael W17:09:01

Yes, it does a lot for you that you would otherwise have to do manually.

Michael W17:09:10

The rad demo repo shows off some cool stuff, clone it, fire it up, and see all the stuff you can do.


Good idea! Thank you.

Michael W17:09:30

It uses an in-memory datomic free so you don’t have to do anything at all.


I'm not married to Postgres, just considering using what I'm familiar with to get something done vs learning an entirely new stack. Datomic has always sounded appealing to me.

Tyler Nisonoff17:09:35

Theres also this branch of the demo: which runs the demo on dev-local / Datomic Cloud


Awesome thanks for the link!

Michael W17:09:05

I am using datomic-free for now, if I go commercial I’d probably use datomic pro on top of postgres citus.


The overall design of RAD, as expressed in the book, is database agnostic. It’s attribute-centric. A database adapter is actually a very thin layer, and hand-writing resolvers is quite tractable…it’s what you’d do with non-RAD Fulcro anyway, so you’re definitely not losing anything, right? What you gain is your data model expressed in a central open-map place where you can hang any addl info you want to say about that data, which then lets you use the data management layer, rendering, etc.


Alright! May as well go for it and figure it out 🙂


Hm I tried using ::attr/computed-value attribute in my report and it just shows up empty…

AJ Snow23:09:42

from what work I've done so far, in fulcro components are designed around data flow, not the aesthetics of a component (css, html structure, etc). is that right?


css/html and such are just function calls and artifacts…the proper components are those things that have real data needs

👍 3

often the two align