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Drew Verlee20:04:13

How would i configure it so i get expound wrapped spec error messages in the "cider-error" buffer rather then the default ones?

❤️ 3

My understanding (and I’m not a cider expert, so take this with a grain of salt), is that it would require changes to the cider error buffer and/or the nREPL error handler. When an error is returned from nNEPL, cider seems to check if it’s a spec error and then formats it in a custom way. There would need to be a way to send the error to expound for formatting.


Or maybe, more accurately, nREPL would need to adjust the error message before it sends it to cider. I think this is how the Clem middleware works


@drewverlee I’d certainly accept a PR for some nREPL middleware in the expound repo (assuming that it didn’t introduce any dependencies into Expound for non-cider users)