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Drew Verlee16:04:18

Any ideas how or why pretty print is putting the first line of output on the same line as the last line of the expression rather then below it (the desired behavior). Getting:

(for [x (range 10)]
  [x x x ]);; => ([0 0 0]
;;     [1 1 1]
;;      ....
(for [x (range 10)]
  [x x x ])
;; => ([0 0 0]
;;     [1 1 1]
;;      ....


@drewverlee I get what you want when using cider-pprint-eval-defun-at-point


I get the comment starting on the same line as the code when using cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment which is not what you were looking for..


So in Spacemacs, use the , e p ; rather than the , e p : key binding

Drew Verlee17:04:11

I'll give that a try thanks.

Drew Verlee18:04:16

yea that works well enough for now. thanks.


I assume they are different as the last-sexp would be used with expressions inside other expressions