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i'm new to etaoin, and i have a small test setup for a signup page, which is working. when the submit button it clicked (form submit) i want to see the result of the http request (i have some header data that i'm trying to test). i looked at but it gives back a lot of information and it looks like i have to search for what i want, and it doesn't work with firefox (what i'm using right now). is peeking-deeper my only option?


Hi @U0LAJQLQ1, I'm not sure. I can take a peek if you are still stuck. The last time I looked at this I learned that the WebDriver folks were focused on what the typical browser user does and sees. This meant, by design, not looking under the covers. One thing they had suggested for people who want to see web traffic was to set up and use a proxy. I've not tried this myself yet.


@UE21H2HHD thanks for the reply. i added features to my backend to add query-params to the url or some other stuff to a page (in dev mode) that i can query. feels a bit weird, but it's not too much work to prevent that type of stuff from leaking into a non-dev env.


Yeah, the WebDriver team seemed to feel pretty strongly about their position here. I'm not sure I get it, but it is what it is.