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Daniel Slutsky12:04:36

Looks like the Portal extension to VSCode is active on the For example, see the attached image to see what happens when a Python error occurs. Not sure whether that is desired or not. :thinking_face:

metal 4
clj-python 4
Lukas Domagala16:04:34

Ah, that’s happening because portal is saying “I understand the vscode notebook error mime type” and vscode is handing that off to it. I should have thought about that before telling @U1G869VNV to just jump onto that mime type 😞

Lukas Domagala16:04:07

You can temporarily fix it yourself by clicking the next to it and selecting a different viewer


I mean it's technically correct, the best kind of correct 👌

number_1_0 1
Lukas Domagala16:04:51

Probably also prettier then the python error display 🙂

☝️ 4

The portal viewer does understand that mime type and does have reasonable behavior

Lukas Domagala16:04:48

@U066L8B18 is this a positive or a negative? I don’t know what this would usually look like, how large the overlap of python/clojure people is, and if changing the viewer yourself is too difficult for random users.

Daniel Slutsky16:04:02

Thanks. I'm not sure. It is not so much of a problem, probably, I'll try to keep using it and see if anything important is lost.


I would be interested in supporting more mime types for notebooks to provide viewers for any notebook :thinking_face:

Lukas Domagala16:04:22

It might be interesting if portal supported stuff like portal/table.edn , portal/vega.edn That way a notebook could choose to display stuff directly in a viewer without fiddling with metadata. Not sure if it would ever be used, but maybe 🙂


Yeah, I don't see why not :thinking_face:

Lukas Domagala16:04:59

But there’s probably also better stuff to spend your time on 😜