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Janne Sauvala18:04:11

Which Emacs “distribution” you consider to be the best for macos and you are using? I tried emacs-plus (, emacs-mac (from and emacsformacos ( I guess emacs-plus (28) is the only one offering native comp but I noticed that scrolling felt a little sluggish compared to the other two. emacs-mac had some nice macos specific features (pixel scrolling, touchbar zoom etc) but seems to offer only the latest staple version. One options is that I just wait for the native-comp to be released in the next major release and go with the smoother stable releases for now 🙂


I use the railwaycat/mituharu ‘emacs-mac’ and stay on latest stable personally


I've been using Emacs 26.3 on macOS 10.14.6 (yes, a couple major versions behind latest) without trouble, but I am pretty minimal in my use of Emacs add-ons, so might not notice issues you would.

Janne Sauvala21:04:58

Thanks for replies! It seems that the Emacs macos community is indeed a little spread between the different options and Emacs versions 😄 Luckily it is quite easy to have multiple Emacses installed so I can keep switching between them and check which one I like the most 🙂