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I’ve been writing Clojure for a while and now I’d like to get familiar with building webapps using ClojureScript. Any setup recommendations for Emacs? I’m looking for something that’s easy to get started with. I’m familiar with Lein and Cider but I’m open to alternatives since I’m starting from scratch. Stuff I’d like to have: - auto-compile & browser live reloading - REPL to interact with I don’t yet have very clear picture of other utils I want or need but I surely want to use Emacs as the editor.


I am currently using as starting point


Thanks for the link! Setup was frustration free and after 10 minutes I’m already hacking. 👍 Only confusion was that since it was my first time with Boot, I needed to call boot dev twice for it to launch.


The first time is for boot setup, I think..


So with this setup you call cider-connect instead of cider-jack-in or cider-jack-in-clojurescript? Do you have both a clj repl and a cljs one?