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Daniel Jomphe14:10:00

Is our IDE's pretty-printing shortening what we see of what Datomic stores about these floats? Or are they really rounded up like this by Datomic?

Daniel Jomphe15:10:57

• The rounding up is normal (pic below), but is there also some truncation, or • is there no truncation and only the IDE's pretty-printing fooling us (pic above)?


datomic has both double and float types, but clojure literals and math functions only use doubles (floats will be widened to doubles).


It looks to me like the input is a double but the schema type is float


(float -72.72186717063904)
=> -72.72187


so what is being printed in the datom is likely a float


that datom value will probably be widened at some point if you manipulate it at all, and will look like this:


(double (float -72.72186717063904))
=> -72.72187042236328


I strongly suspect you used :db.type/float but you actually wanted :db.type/double

Daniel Jomphe15:10:53

Yeah, this is what my IDE prints, gonna look if it's true that our tx value was a double, not a float

Daniel Jomphe15:10:20

Yes, our schema


yeah, so the double value in the transaction was narrowed to float to fit into the datom


and what you are printing in the datom is a float (a boxed Float object)


You can confirm with (-> mydatom :v class)

Daniel Jomphe15:10:01

Ok, so the browser client lib gives us a Number, which is a 64 bit floating point, which we converted to float, a 32 bit floating point, due to our schema being float instead of double...

Daniel Jomphe15:10:28

And some areas of our code also convert it to float explicitly. We'll have to remodel, I suppose.

Daniel Jomphe15:10:46

I knew Datomic was doing what it should. phew! 😅 Thanks a lot Francis!


That’s a good point, if this value gets into a browser it’s going to be widened no matter what.


you probably just want doubles all the way through

☺️ 2
Daniel Jomphe15:10:57

• The rounding up is normal (pic below), but is there also some truncation, or • is there no truncation and only the IDE's pretty-printing fooling us (pic above)?


Sorry for the cross post, but this is probably the better forum. Does Datomic Cloud not run Clojure 1.11? I’m getting “Unable to resolve symbol: parse-uuid in this context” when deploying an Ion system. I’ve tried adding an explicit dependency on 1.11 with the same results.


Ok. Weird. I just created this stack yesterday.


how was this issue solved, btw? i usually see this kind of behaviour, if i have some .class files getting into the bundled ion code, which are older, than their corresponding source code. the bundle is a zip file and somehow all the file creation and modification dates can become the same date-time, which is the creation time of the zip file itself. in such case, clojure would prefer to load the *.class file, instead of compiling its corresponding source file. to debug this, u should try to clojure -M:ion-dev "{:op :push :uname whatever :creds-profile <your-aws-profile> :region <your-region>}", then look at unzip -l .datomic-ions/datomic/apps/<:app-name from ion-config.edn>/unrepro/| less` it shouldn't have any *.class files in it


@U086D6TBN The issue is that creating a new stack from the AWS Marketplace page results in a stack using an older template. If memory serves, updating the Marketplace page is a slow process. I haven’t gotten around to updating my system yet, but I’m relatively confident that updating the system will resolve this.


ah, i see. i haven't used the marketplace facilities for a long time. we built some clojure tooling (using the cognitect aws lib) to drive cloudformation create/delete/update operations. this is how our cloudformation "control center" looks like a in a REPL NS:

;; Common stack operations
  (defn $stack [] ($env cfg/dcs))       ;; Storage
  (defn $stack [] ($env cfg/dcs-xxx))  ;; Compute
  (defn $stack [] ($env cfg/apigw))

  (-> ($stack) (grep> "aud") #_sort)
  (-> ($stack) create-stack req!)
  (-> ($stack) update-stack req!)
  (-> ($stack) (stack-completed? 10))
  (-> ($stack) describe-stack req! :StackStatus)
  (-> ($stack) stack-outputs req!)
  (-> ($stack) stack-outputs req! (grep> "node"))
  (-> ($stack) stack-resources req! #_(resources-with-status "PROGRESS"))
  (-> ($stack) stack-resources req! (grep> "instance"))

  (-> ($stack) stack-resources req! vals (->> (grep #"endpoint" :LogicalResourceId))
      (set/project [:LogicalResourceId :PhysicalResourceId]) print-table)

  (-> ($stack) (merge DescribeStackEvents) req! stack-events-summary
      (->> (take 20)) print-table)

  ;; (-> ($stack) delete-stack req!)
