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Yuiti Ara18:03:45

Hi everyone! So I'm starting out with datomic and I have already successfully connected datomic-console to a local datomic-transactor instance, but for a remote one (that uses digitalocean droplet for the transactor & heroku-postgres for storage) I'm having a hardtime, I have tried the following commands:

bin/console -p 9000 sql datomic:sql://?jdbc:postgresql://<heroku-postgres-host>:5432/<heroku-postgres-db>?user=<postgres-user>&password=<postgres-password>&ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory

bin/console -p 9000 sql datomic:sql://?jdbc:postgresql://<heroku-postgres-host>:5432/<heroku-postgres-db>?user=<postgres-user>&password=<postgres-password>
For both when I open datomic-console, it shows the following error msg: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host <my-ip-address>, user <heroku-postgres-user>, database <heroku-postgres-password>, SSL off trying to connect to datomic:sql://?jdbc:postgresql://<heroku-postgres-host>:5432/<heroku-postgres-db>?user=<postgres-user-name>, make sure transactor is running Using the URI in the first command I was able to create a database from the repl, so I can confirm that the transactor is working. So, does anyone know what I'm still missing here? Would appreciate any help, thanks!

Yuiti Ara19:03:34

Found the solution, just needed to wrap the uri with double quotes "<datomic-uri>"