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Interesting, @eoliphant Thx for the lead. That blog post makes Onyx sound like a heavy/elaborate lift. Was it simpler than the report queue somehow?


@hiskennyness #onyx needs a zookeeper and maintain a quorum of 5 zookeeper isn't a "easy" thing.


@souenzzo OMG. Zookeeper, too? (Programming) life just is not that simple any more.

braai engineer10:12:02

Which AWS EC2 instance size should I use for Datomic transactor? The cloudformation templates still have c3.large, which seems to be no longer available (maybe just hidden)

braai engineer10:12:52

This is for testing/staging loads. Will t2.micro / t2.small do?


In my experience t2.medium is the smallest that can practically run the transactor, at least when using the cognitect ami


yeah I’d second that, we usually do t2.large in dev