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with lispy, is there a way to move "into" a sexp? for example, cursor is at | |(+ 2 3) now, the kehs hjklf all do not move me to the +, 2, or 3 they seem to only move to corresponding ( or ). but I want to move into the "symbols" of the sexp, is that possible?


(defun find-init-el ()
  (find-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el"))

(general-define-key :prefix "<home>"
		    "f 6" 'find-init-el
		    "f 7" '(find-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el")
f 6 works, but f 7 does not -- how do I fix this?


@qqq You should wrap this in some interactive lambda.


(lambda () (interactive) (find-file ...


for whatever reason, I find this surprisingly hard to do: I want something that will do all folds where it starts with (do ;; ... or (def ... or (def ... and fold until the matching ) it's okay to look for the end based on identation, as I will guarantee that the file is properly indented