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We found a bug in Datomic (datomic-pro-0.9.5561.54). We, by mistake, added Double/NaN (not a number) facts to the database (the result of a square root of a negative number) and after that we tried to fix it by adding correct facts (like 3.14) for these NaN. Datomic still returned NaN and we had to retract the NaN facts first to get the more recently data be returned. @marshall
Hello! I have a question about license: is it ok to reuse one Datomic Starter license for multiple transactors (e.g. for supporting multiple test environments of an application)?
Has anyone had any luck loading both the Datomic client and Ring in a project? I'm experiencing the dependency conflict described here: The workaround in the discussion did not work for me, I'm wondering if anyone has figured out any other workarounds
resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "datomic" {
name = "${var.environment}-platform-datomic-config"
read_capacity = "${var.dynamodb_read_capacity}"
write_capacity = "${var.dynamodb_write_capacity}"
hash_key = "id"
attribute {
name = "id"
type = "S"
@dimovich seems reasonable to get all user entities. Keep in mind your result has to fit in memory so something like that is probably not ideal for an entity type with a lot of data or a v large db
Seems like is down?
fwiw, I just got alerts about SlowDown exceptions from S3 on our system, so maybe an aws issue
@pbostrom: not sure about that specific problem, but I'd probably start by adding :pedantic? :warn
you my project.clj and then running lein deps
until I'd fixed any classpath conflicts
yeah there are definitely conflicts, ring wants one version of org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http
and Datomic client wants another, I suppose there's no way to satisfy both of them...
discussion about s3 issues right now:
@pbostrom: what you might try is just adding :exclusions
until they work properly (essentially picking one or the other of the lib versions)
yeah, that's the thing, they each break the other, due to shuffling of classes across versions of org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http
FWIW, I'm running with [com.datomic/datomic-pro "0.9.5561" :exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-nop]]
and [ring/ring-core "1.6.2"]
and everything seems to be working fine
But my web server is immutant, not jetty
Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were using the client lib. That one I haven't had any experience with