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Looks like native datalevin will not come to apple silicon for the time being, see


because GraalVM support for Apple Silicon is after that commit, we will still be using the older version of GraalVM, so there’s no native datalevin for Apple Silicon for the time being. I don’t want to fork GraalVM just for this.

👍 1

Given the GraalVM C API is so unstable, I am thinking about moving to JavaCPP to access LMDB.


The benefit is that we no longer need to deal with two bindings to LMDB, one JVM and one GraalVM.


Because JavaCPP uses INI underneath, it works with GraalVM native image without having to relying on the C API that Oracle seems like to keep changing.


LMDBJava is not super responsive to requests, They didn’t support Apple Silicon for so long, and they still don’t. It took myself only a couple of hours to add support to Apple Silicon in JVM datalevin.


Switching to JavaCPP, we will have more control of the whole stack, and there will be less work for the future. Besides, it seems to support all platforms.


I will release 0.7.0 now, so people on M1 can use datalevin library right now. Sorry for the long delay.

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