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Hello everyone, I created a little helper tool that finds all .nrepl-port files in my projects dir and lists them in the telescope picker. It calls :ConjureConnect on the selected item. I want to highlight a picker item that I’m already connected to. How to get the current session’s nrepl port number or better nrepl file path via conjure API?


looks like it also gives the host, so you can make sure it is the current host as well an not a remote host connection

Braden Shepherdson15:01:53

ooh! I've been wanting this for juggling JVM nrepl and shadow-cljs node repls. this would be a lot nicer than my current workflow of :!cat .shadow-cljs/nrepl.port, memorize it, :ConjureConnect $port, with about a 70% memory success rate >_> (tangentially, :ConjureClientState default|cljs is awesome for switching between them; I've added <localleader>td and <ll>tj bindings for those. it's so slick!)


@US03ZP2F5 thanks, that I was looking for @UCY0GT0QM It is around 40 lines of lua, feel free to grab from my dots


Just change root directory