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Do you know which part of neovim is in charge of highlighting matching parents? I can't remember how I set it up or if it worked right away. It no longer does, and I can't figure out why.
i assume you mean parens 😅 ? if yes, the inbuilt matchparen should do it when on a matching brace or paren if you havent disabled it.
Yes, I was experimenting with startup optimization, which could have caused the problem. Thank you very much!
yeah if you set g:loaded_matchparen
to 1 that should causes it to not load
since startup time came up, lemme know if you want some more ideas, been down that route not too long back, averaging now ~10 ms 😄
of course, that was the start of the rabbit hole 😛
here's my dotfiles if you want some things to pick from: happy to brainstorm more!
Thank you! One side quesion. I see you also use Yabai. Do you have a problem with the fact that if you add a scripting addition to support transparency, Chrome's search window may end up being hidden by the Chrome main window? I mean, you press cmd+f and don't see a search window.
ah not too familiar with Chrome, havent been using it for quite a while. Ive seen some issues with floating windows, but you can try adding it to always float: yabai -m rule --add app="^Chrome$" manage=off
but dont quote me on it, not sure if that helps 😄
depends on how chrome implements its floating thing
yeah big fan of wez too, essentially getting to a point of i will use a thing if i can lua script it 😛
The same problem may occur in osx settings, when changing "Spoken content" System voice for example
yeah also im more on the linux and sway side, work mac has bare minumum tiling to match my own linux setup
did the fennel thing at one point, didnt really see much benefit than raw lua although the lispyness is nice. found myself not doing much evaling the editor
also with raw lua i have more control on the caching and lower bits
simply doing :lua= <some lua expr>
when i need it is good enough eval for me 😄
> yabai -m rule --add app="^Chrome$" manage=off I have this stuff for things like system settings. It works like this: window positioning and resizing are not managed, but floating windows are sometimes hidden (my scripti-addition problem persists).
this would be beyond my basic yabai abilities unfortunately but the problem seems to be common enough for people to run into it i think
My current nvim config is in fennel (I migrated from vimscript to fennel without even trying lua). I would have migrated to lua by now if it hadn't been for the existence of (a lua->fennel translator).
Just in case, here are my dotfiels
nice! yeah as much as i love fennel, feels like i never really use its lispyness in the nvim context. also working with lua in parts of my job makes it equally familiar too
mostly use it in nginx contexts
looking at your plugins.fnl, the startup time secret sauce is pretty much deferring plugin loads as much as possible. moving to lazy helps like you dont need impatient but getting the lazy load order right is where it all is
Thank you for looking at my dotfiles. I have a todo note to migrate to lazy, maybe this weekends.
Why barbar over e.g. bufferline?
Essentially to have a correct buffer closing behavior. afaik bufferline cant close and delete buffers without messing up my layouts and needed to handle that. barbar does both and looks kinda nicer too 😅
all of my mappings are provided by barbar
hehe How much longer before you cave and switch to fennel?
I might give barbar a shot, though I don't have issues with bufferline
heh, went down the fennel route, just for a few fns and not using any of the other goodness, felt like im not doing justice to it 😄
yeah the buffer closing thing is something i do a lot, might not be an issue for everyone.
not sure if fennel's compilation via aniseed/hotpot etc could mess up lazy.nvim's awesome caching. also lazy takes over the module load order, load upon require etc. at this point quite wary of adding in fennel infra 😛
ah yeah i imagine that that would cause trouble. You could choose to not use aniseed and just compile ahead of time but that is less fun. Also i think my aniseed compile takes a decent fraction of my startup time. I just hate lua syntax
im also no fan of the syntax, but i try to offset it with aggressively trying to keep the config simple and lean.