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Noah Bogart14:03:29

I've wondered if I should post a question I have to a given server here or to Clojureverse forums. Would there be any interest (or would it even be possible) to post new threads from clojureverse to a channel here? That way, folks who spend more time here can still see and contribute to questions asked there


Clojurians Zulip has a number of streams/topics for tracking stuff that was posted elsewhere but there's been a general sense of pushback to having feeds of other sites' posts coming into Slack. As far as where to post a question: • Do you want it to be public (ask/clojureverse) or behind a signup wall (slack)? (affects searchability/discoverability for others) • Do you want it to be potentially permanent (ask/clojureverse) or potentially transient (slack, should we lose our sponsorship)?

👍 1

If there are RSS feeds from those various sites, we do have RSS enabled here so you could create a channel and subscribe it to an RSS feed from elsewhere...

Noah Bogart17:03:46

I prefer traditional forums to slack for all sorts of reasons, but when i b post here i get tons of answers and when i post on clojureverse i get crickets lol

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