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Hi everybody! I'm happy to announce the release of FlowStorm 3.13.0! aims to enhance your Clojure[Script] interactive programming experience by allowing you to record on demand and explore your programs executions. This is a non comprehensive list of improvements since the last announcement here : • All possibly expensive slow operations are now easily interruptible. This includes : ◦ List functions calls ◦ List prints with the printer ◦ Values search ◦ Multi-thread timeline rendering ◦ All power stepping tools ◦ Quick jump (funny that the quick jump can be slow :P) • All functions that collect from the timeline will report as they run, no need to wait til the end. This includes : ◦ List functions calls ◦ List prints with the printer ◦ Multi-thread timeline rendering • A configurable from the UI that acts as a fuse/breaker for auto-stopping recording. • A much improved, which now also list returns values and where everything auto updates. • traveling through functions boundaries • Added a menu bar at the top with a bunch of functions to help with discoverability • Better support for multiple monitors, specially on mac. • A new called identity-other-thread that helps you follow values in other threads. • A much improved It is now much easier to explore your recordings from your repl. • And a bunch of bug fixes, themes improvements, and more ... Repo: As usual, feedback is welcome, and show up in #flow-storm if you have any questions!

clojure-spin 15
🎉 22
gratitude 5
lispyclouds19:03:06 1.0.4 released: Contajners is an idiomatic, data-driven, REPL friendly clojure client for OCI container engines like docker and podman. #babashka compatible too! This release adds support for the brand new! Happy contajning! 📦

🎉 15
Noah Bogart20:03:42

looks like the #C8V0BQ0M6 api analysis failed


yeah it cant handle the cljc conditionals to make it bb compatible. not sure how to handle it