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@jarppe The post talks about postponement, and tickets (well, one ticket) for the next conference. But is that serious talk; does Metosin have plans to make another conference? Or is it more that you want to keep the option open in case your focus/interest/amount of spare time shifts? I'm asking because I think that ClojuTRE is the main nordic Clojure conference, and as long as it looms in the background, it's going to take significant amount of headspace making it less likely that anyone would organise another event in Finland, perhaps even Sweden, Estonia, and Norway too. I don't think there are any people who would love to make an event like that happen (they would do it anyway, or at least contact you to talk about the situation), but some people might if they know that otherwise there won't be any. And in addition it might be harder to get speakers and attendees, if they don't want multiple trips here and they would prefer ClojuTRE. Please consider the case of Strange Loop where they didn't just announce that there won't be one next year, but that the one next year is the last. And also if you yourself would like to attend a local conference just as an attendee (or perhaps a speaker). You have an extraordinary position to make a general plea for someone else to take the torch. Perhaps one of the bigger companies with a Clojure contingent might be willing to do it for PR (at least it brought a lot for you), and even have specialised staff for that kind of stuff.


Good points. Actually, really excellent points! We definitely have the desire to make at least one more ClojuTRE. But the desire to make one and the commitment to make one are two very different things. I recognize our responsibility to the community and the negative effect the looming possibility of forever postponed ClojuTRE could have on the community. If, for whatever reason, we can't make a commitment to make ClojuTRE in the near future, we must make this clear to everyone. And to help whoever wishes to carry the torch forward. But right now, the desire is what we have. I'm eager to do all I can to make ClojuTRE happen again.


Depending on how personal that is (I mean do you and some others in Metosin want it, or is it something the company wants), perhaps hire some people (just for the duration) to help with it? Or do it personally but outside the company (an RY?) so others outside from Metosin could volunteer?


First of all thank you so much gratitude-thank-you to @jarppe, Mikko and @ikitommi for starting ClojuTRE and persisting through all the years! The first ClojuTRE and EuroClojure 2012 felt very special to me too. I totally symphatize with the situation. I honestly don't think a ClojuTRE would feel like ClojuTRE to me without you guys. And I have felt tired after arranging a lot of events over the years too. However, it would benefit the community to have active events one way or another. It could even lead to some new unexpected greatness. Otherwise, I fear that it'll be just us old beards programming in Clojure. Everyone needs to be able to pass the torch to have continuity. The best I can think of now is that people, who really can and want to help, make themselves known. Maybe arrange local events in the meantime. You should get all the help that is needed. The community should also make it happen if it's considered valuable. I agree with @tomi.hukkalainen_slac. I'd try to let (temporary) professionals arrange the standard conference stuff, and have more time for you guys to just enjoy being there like the rest of us have had. And you have your ideas, those made ClojuTRE something distinct. I have personally had the chance to do Clojure for a living for a long time already. Maybe doing it "for real" sucks some joy out of it 😲. Even so, what I feel like I need most is just more free time to program Clojure and make something really interesting. It doesn't feel like it's time to share much besides idle talk in a code camp or so. Maybe I would personally arrange or attend such an event in the future. Having said that, I'm sure we'd sponsor any new conference. P.S. Thanks to all the other conference and event organizers too, I hardly know who you are so I can't thank you by name.


> However, it would benefit the community to have active events one way or another. It could even lead to some new unexpected greatness. Otherwise, I fear that it'll be just us old beards programming in Clojure. Everyone needs to be able to pass the torch to have continuity. Just chiming in here, that just this year, there have been two Clojure meetups in Helsinki, one in Oulu, and three ClojureBridge events even, one of them an advanced follow-up event, that I don't recall there ever being one 🙂 So I think the community has woken up, to prevent dying of old beards 😄

👍 5

Yes, and in the last Clojure meetup in Helsinki, I met @U03K89M6YG0, and she said she would like to organize a meetup in Siili. I promised to help in any way I can.


Yeap! I wish @U8MLCEWLA will be part of that Siili-meetup too 🙂 But more about that after all the :large_green_circle: :s have been eaten (aka next year, after the holiday season)

👍 2
Teemu Kaukoranta14:12:01

sorry for the silence!


@jarppe The post talks about postponement, and tickets (well, one ticket) for the next conference. But is that serious talk; does Metosin have plans to make another conference? Or is it more that you want to keep the option open in case your focus/interest/amount of spare time shifts? I'm asking because I think that ClojuTRE is the main nordic Clojure conference, and as long as it looms in the background, it's going to take significant amount of headspace making it less likely that anyone would organise another event in Finland, perhaps even Sweden, Estonia, and Norway too. I don't think there are any people who would love to make an event like that happen (they would do it anyway, or at least contact you to talk about the situation), but some people might if they know that otherwise there won't be any. And in addition it might be harder to get speakers and attendees, if they don't want multiple trips here and they would prefer ClojuTRE. Please consider the case of Strange Loop where they didn't just announce that there won't be one next year, but that the one next year is the last. And also if you yourself would like to attend a local conference just as an attendee (or perhaps a speaker). You have an extraordinary position to make a general plea for someone else to take the torch. Perhaps one of the bigger companies with a Clojure contingent might be willing to do it for PR (at least it brought a lot for you), and even have specialised staff for that kind of stuff.


First of all thank you so much gratitude-thank-you to @jarppe, Mikko and @ikitommi for starting ClojuTRE and persisting through all the years! The first ClojuTRE and EuroClojure 2012 felt very special to me too. I totally symphatize with the situation. I honestly don't think a ClojuTRE would feel like ClojuTRE to me without you guys. And I have felt tired after arranging a lot of events over the years too. However, it would benefit the community to have active events one way or another. It could even lead to some new unexpected greatness. Otherwise, I fear that it'll be just us old beards programming in Clojure. Everyone needs to be able to pass the torch to have continuity. The best I can think of now is that people, who really can and want to help, make themselves known. Maybe arrange local events in the meantime. You should get all the help that is needed. The community should also make it happen if it's considered valuable. I agree with @tomi.hukkalainen_slac. I'd try to let (temporary) professionals arrange the standard conference stuff, and have more time for you guys to just enjoy being there like the rest of us have had. And you have your ideas, those made ClojuTRE something distinct. I have personally had the chance to do Clojure for a living for a long time already. Maybe doing it "for real" sucks some joy out of it 😲. Even so, what I feel like I need most is just more free time to program Clojure and make something really interesting. It doesn't feel like it's time to share much besides idle talk in a code camp or so. Maybe I would personally arrange or attend such an event in the future. Having said that, I'm sure we'd sponsor any new conference. P.S. Thanks to all the other conference and event organizers too, I hardly know who you are so I can't thank you by name.