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Mario G12:12:05

(maybe oldie but goldie) I spotted this on reddit yesterday

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Anyone use the dumb-jump package? It doesn’t appear to work for me, and I recall it working just a few months ago


Looks like it may be related to a possible change in git-grep. Forcing the searcher to ripgrep (setq dumb-jump-force-searcher 'rg) seems to fix it


Used to love this package, but now clojure-lsp/eglot works reliably enough to make it obsolete for me


That makes sense, I still have some places where I rely on it where I should really look into a language server

Darrick Wiebe20:12:42

What's the best way to search within a project in emacs? Right now I use projectile's default but find it frustrating because it has fairly broken regex support and it's not super fast either.


I like projectile’s (with rg.el and ripgrep on your exec-path) command projectile-ripgrep

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Darrick Wiebe05:12:38

Thanks, I'll check it out


I use helm-projectile-grep. I think I wouldn't want to start writing anything complicated in a search most of the time. A search is something I do quickly, so I bash something words interactively like foo def priv and get something out of it. What would really float my boat would be sexp-grep because a line is just not so interesting a unit in lisps.

Darrick Wiebe17:12:44

Simple search is great for small projects but searching the JDK source tree, with on the order of 1M files, you really need to narrow things down sometimes. I've been using projectile+ivy with the default search, but it seems like there's some double escaping or something happening that breaks most regex functionality. The only thing keeping me sane is that after initial search results come back I can press S-SPC and do a narrowing search within the results using emacs regexps, but unfortunately there is no way to filter things out (negative lookaheads, etc) so I need to find something better. I'm always scared to mess with my config during a large project but I may need to... 😨