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Singapore Clojure Meetup tomorrow night, welcome to join.
For testing cljs during CI is this a good way to go ?
Is it possible to globally intercept http requests/responses in ? Is there any other cljs lib provides that
Hello, is there some trick to getting debugf from timbre working in node.js now? infof works, and debugf was working a few weeks ago for me.
@theasp guessing here...
(set! js/console.debug js/console.log)
?What’s a good way to mock out external javascript libraries during unit tests?
@pesterhazy Awesome, that did it, thanks!
My question is pretty ambiguous. I’ll give a more concrete example. I’m trying to test a function that calls a js library like so (.view obj {})
. In Clojure, I would use
(defprotocol Viewable
(view [v]))
(defrecord SpyViewable [called]
(view [_] "viewed"))
(.view (SpyViewable. {}))
In this example, in ClojureScript, I cannot call the view
fn with the dot notation .view
Is there a way to do this in ClojureScript?
thanks @rauh
there really needs to be a meta-guide on javascript objects and clojurescript objects/protocols and the mechanics of their relationships
Re testing clojurescript apps - are there any recommendations along the lines of karma or something ?
That would definitely help me @bhauman, though I must admit that I know the JVM better than JavaScript, so I may just be ignorant of the details.
@len, I currently use
thanks @tankthinks
It abstracts out the JS environment; that way you can run on phantom
, slimer
, chrome
, etc
it’s a good place to start
Hi, I've been scratching my head for a while already with this one, it's an extern / umd related problem - how to use a webpack compiled library (umd) in cljs? I posted the question with code samples on SO:
Hi there, I am wondering if someone knows a way to jsonify a data structure that contains namespaced keyword into json that keeps the namespaced in the strings. clj->js
only keeps the name
of the keywords.
@len we use Karma directly for CLJS testing in CI is a good example
@dohxis I use here... we are all newbies in a way or in another
I am just playing around with clojurescript and I am trying to do something strange and I dont even know if its possible. Here is a little example what I am trying todo
dohxis: you should just be able to do
(def functions {:inc inc :dec dec})
((get functions :dec) 5)
that is cool!
you should use partial function
it should end up in something like
(def functions {:increment (partial inc) :defrement (partial dec)})
((get functions :increment) 1)
=> 2
my turn to ask a newbie question, why does some variable are surrounded by asterisks. for instance *anti-forgery-token*
in some ring modules.
I guess this answers your question
@dohxis is does, thanks!