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Sam H09:07:12

Anyone done a package update and had the behaviour of SPC k s (sp-foward-slurp-sexp) change in that it no longer adds a space after slurping the next form?


shan: wondering if you ever figured out what this was. Still see it happening occasionally - annoying to have to manually put in the !

Sam H17:07:55

Never looked too deeply into this, I just end up adding a space before I do the slurping now


hi. Anyone have any ideea how I can set sortcut for something like next-layout ? (global-set-key (kbd "M-p") 'spacemacs/layouts-trainsientstate/persp-next)


@claudiu I've added the following keybindings in dotspacemacs/user-config section of .spacemacs to cycle through buffers

(global-set-key [C-prior] 'previous-buffer)
  (global-set-key [C-next] 'next-buffer)


I also used a slightly different syntax for smartparens bindings (both approaches seem to work, not sure of the difference)

(define-key global-map (kbd "C-)") 'sp-forward-slurp-sexp)
  (define-key global-map (kbd "C-(") 'sp-backward-slurp-sexp)
  (define-key global-map (kbd "M-)") 'sp-forward-barf-sexp)
  (define-key global-map (kbd "M-(") 'sp-backward-barf-sexp)


I've also seen Spacemacs specific examples, this one stops the mouse key from calling a function

(define-key spacemacs-buffer-mode-map [down-mouse-1] nil)


shan: wondering if you ever figured out what this was. Still see it happening occasionally - annoying to have to manually put in the !