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if your DI is designed with testing in mind, it makes testing a real breeze
i havent designed clojure apps big enough for DI usage though. our company is still a java shop. and the DI is just there to mostly standardize how stuff works on 60+ applications on 200+ production server nodes. all are built the same way, all are deployed the same way.
horribly boring (they don't really have a personality in that sense) but efficient
would be horrible context switching otherwise for developers if they have to work on several different applications per day
for small applications i wouldn't do any of that dependency injection though 🙂 for tiny hobby stuff the service provider model works just as well.
I think service locator pattern would look like more or less like this. Then you could have e.g mock versions of services in service-locator during the unit testing etc.
yes it's the thing i meant
where i stand on the topic - when i buy a new car then the DI assures that the car has fitting wheels when i get it. whereas a pretty common approach with the service locator is that i get into a new car, want to start driving, roll down the window and scream out that i need wheels, now. and whoever is the mechanic nearby runs out with any pair of wheels they have since they couldn't understand who is asking for them.
not all of them have this pattern of course, but it is common.
it gets more tense if you are responsible for the db connector of your application and your teammates request it from service locator before application has loaded it's config or after you have closed down your connection pool 😉
overall DI and service locators both help you to sneak in mocks into your tests (for the external resources that you can't possibly pull up even with the help of docker containers).
What is the most reliable database engine document based that officially supports clojure integration? MongoDB doesn't guarantee write reliability as far as online reviews claim., you can change your operations mode with more reliable mode. AFAIK, this will do the job.
Good morning, I was searching online about MongoDB reliable mode, but I could not find it. Is there a more accurate term to the feature or it's just some best practice? If so, please share the references. @U3JJH3URY I don't use Mongodb but I work on databases and I think you're looking for this:
If you set the value 2
then 2 out of 3 nodes will have the data, which is considered reliable.
Thanks a lot for sharing @UBRMX7MT7
I bookmarked it.
if I have a namespace aa
which require
s namespace bb
, is there a way to make it so that when namespace aa
is loaded, its functions resolve the alias b
to a namespace other than bb
or, even better, is there a way to require
namepace aa
in some other namespace in such a way that aa
's b
resolves to a namespace other than bb
like (require '[aa :as a :resolving {aa/b cc}])
or another way of saying it would be (require '[aa :as a :resolving {a/b cc}])
so that a
's alias b
resolves to cc
not bb
as require
d in aa
, i.e. whereas before b/g
in aa
would resolve to bb/g
, instead it would resolve to cc/g
can i define specs at run time ?
@abdullahibra Yep, you might have to get creative with how you evaluate things though
@emccue can you give example please?
the good practice should be defining spec outside function and use them as global vars inside the funcs?
suppose i have application which will give the user space to define their specs to be used within validating their data, what do you think about this?
I think that you should rely on a standardized way of defining a data schema rather than use spec for that
so in my situation will be better to use formal clojure for that ?
for now No, but maybe later will be streaming service
maybe there is a better argument out there - but I personally think that using a schema language that isnt specific to your application is alot better than making one up yourself
that's good to know 🙂
@emccue thanks
If I have an api that exposes a multimethod which somewhat encourages it's methods be overridden as a means of extension/customization, is that a legitimate/good use of multimethods? or getting some degree of code-smelly?
that's one use of multimethods
if I understand you...expose a defmulti
intended to be implemented by defmethods
why are you afraid it might be a code-smell ?
i think my main concern is that during playing with this I've had a few mishaps involving the ordering of requires
becoming important, or otherwise getting into an unclear state of which method implementations I was using at a repl (after some time messing around at a repl)
that sounds like a problem with your REPL workflow rather than multimethods
Hi! I'm experiencing a weird error with specs generate and lein repl (clojure 1.10), it seems it doesn't find a file when I invoke the function:
lein repl
nREPL server started on port 53282 on host -
REPL-y 0.3.7, nREPL 0.2.13
Clojure 1.10.0
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11+28
Docs: (doc function-name-here)
(find-doc "part-of-name-here")
Source: (source function-name-here)
Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e
user=> (clojure.spec.gen.alpha/generate 1)
Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at user/eval4978 (form-init10909052932822487799.clj:1).
Could not locate clojure/test/check/generators__init.class, clojure/test/check/generators.clj or clojure/test/check/generators.cljc on classpath.
Does anyone have any hint on why is this happening?@manuelrascioni my first guess would be that you are missing a dependency in your Leiningen project.clj file, needed for that namespace to exist. > spec generators rely on the Clojure property testing library test.check.
ah so the lib is mandatory if I want to use the functions included in the main clojure dependency
yep, I said it wrong. But it seems very weird that you have to imort a lib to use a function included in the core 😕
I am pretty sure that test.check is not needed for all possible uses of Clojure spec -- I believe it is primarily for the uses that involve generating random data.
@jjttjj I personally like apis like that so long as you provide every impl that your library provides through a single namespace
Thanks! It's for my library which is an api client which wraps a stock broker's java api.
Basically I turn a big data structure which represents a request into the java classes needed. And then do a similar thing to turn the java response into a data structure.
at some point I tag everything in this data structure with a unique qualified keyword. Then the key/value pair is translated to or from the value the java api expects via a to-ib
/`from-ib` multimethod which just dispatches on the qualified keyword.
For example the java api returns dates as strings. My default implementation turns these strings into LocalDates. But I want to be able to allow users to use another date representation if they wish.
Previously I rolled my own multimethod approach by just putting functions in a map. But I'm starting to get the sense that it would be better to stick with multimethods because they're "standard clojure".
Here are the two approaches I'm considering:
so if you don't keep up to date and they add a new field or something, someone using your library can replace relevant from/to pairs to keep their code working in the interim
is actively maintained now (by me) so if you have questions or need enhancements, just reach out!
Yeah interesting stuff, thanks! I wish I heard of this sooner 🙂 Sill have to explore a bit
One distinction with my library is it also represents method invocations on a single api client class as data that looks and feels the same as the "beanlike" classes
so like
(ib/req client [:historical-data {:contract {:sec-type "STK"}]
would be translated to something sort of like client.reqHistoricalData(contract)
where Contract is its own class with a "secType" getter/setter[But it might be good to separate the stuff that could be handled by and this more magical stuff]
Hello, I’m using to launch a shell program that does not terminate, I would like to forward its output to the repl printer. Any ideas on how to do that? thank you
redirect like that:
(with-open [reader (io/reader input-stream)]
(doseq [line (line-seq reader)]
(println line))))
start process as in
, but without (.waitFor proc)
, which blocks until process exits
Hmm, this is unexpected.
(require '[java-time :as jt])
(require '[java-time.format :as jf])
(def ymd-format (jf/formatter "YYYY-MM-dd"))
=> #'user/ymd-format
(jf/format ymd-format (jt/local-date "2019-12-29"))
=> "2020-12-29"
Am I doing something wrong?
@manutter51 Looks like it needs to be yyyy
in the format, not YYYY
. -- there can be differences between yyyy
and YYYY
Ah, ok thanks much Sean!
. The implementation of assert
in Clojure/JVM is based on when
, which returns nil
when its condition is logical false, and when-not
, which returns nil
when its condition is logical true.
That is not promised in the doc strings, and I think the typical use of assert
is for its side effect, and ignore its return value. Why would you want to rely on its return value?
It seems it defaults to true, but I'm having a hard time knowin if that's only true from a lein bootstrapped repl, etc.
Probably difficult to find because it is implemented in Java, here: . Looks like true (`T`)
Leiningen could do who-knows-what with that in its own code when you run lein test
Alright thanks. I had looked at that line, but I think the T meant I overlooked that it was being set to somethin
Sure. Single letter symbols can be invisible that way sometimes.
I don't know full reason for use of T
there, but it is a Java Object, rather than a primitive, which might be part of the reason.
All these asserts defaults are a bit confusing, sine the spec assert defaults to false, but oh well
I think it actually used to be a symbol originally like scheme, etc
Hum... no wait.. > If compile-asserts is false at compile time, compiles to x. Defaults to value of 'clojure.spec.compile-asserts' system property, or true if not set. > If (check-asserts?) is false at runtime, always returns x. Defaults to value of 'clojure.spec.check-asserts' system property, or false if not set. You can toggle check-asserts? with (check-asserts bool).
I believe that *compile-asserts*
and *assert*
are independent in Clojure, i.e. I don't think the value of one directly affects the other, but perhaps you were not expecting them to.