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Is there a predicate to check for a multimethod? Something like fn?
(which returns false for multimethods)
well, there’s methods
, but I’m not sure what happens when you call it on a non-multimethod
There’s not a predicate in core afaik because Clojure chooses to treat them transparently the same as functions everywhere and discourages doing otherwise. However, you could always do something like (instance? MultiFn thing)
If they were treated the same, then I'd expect fn?
to return true for them, that would work for me as well 🙂 I just want to distinguish non-function values (including collections) from functions. Thanks for the ideas, the instance check seems like a good way.
I would expect fn?
to return true as well. Kinda surprised it doesn’t. It looks like MultiFn extends AFn implements IFn and the fn? implementation is
(instance? clojure.lang.Fn x)
…. so difference between IFn and Fn. I don’t know whyClojure 1.9.0
(ins)user=> (defmulti foo identity)
(ins)user=> (ifn? foo)
Hi can you guys recommend a good open source application code to read? especially in the context of slightly more intermediate/advanced, clojure techniques i.e. transducers, use of spec, use of namespace-qualified keywords etc., cheers!
I need a dynamically sized collection of agents, but the size of that collection will be managed by another agent (changes to the size of the collection will be significantly less frequent than changes to the underlying agents). Is nesting agents in this case appropriate, or am I missing a better way to structure this? eg. (def things (agent {:thing1 (agent 1) :thing2 (agent 1)})) , then (send (:thing1 @things) inc), and (send things assoc :thing3 (agent 1))
the only thing i can do so far is to: :default-fn #(if (nil? (:id %)) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "--id is mandatory")) %)
I think options are always optional unless you do something like that. Use arguments for mandatory arguments. Sorry that sounds a bit tautological.
Trying to spin up a old (eh, ~two months) project of mine, and when running lein ring server-headless
, I get the following endlessly long stack trace:
As far as I can tell, the error is not related to my code, as it's not part of the stack trace. But I'm unable to find any entrypoint or obvious place to start looking for issues. Could someone provide some pointers?
Looks like it’s probably related to an old version of clojure.core/unify that does something incompatible with clojure 1.10 / spec. It looks like Alex probably fixed that here: and that you could resolve it by explicitly declaring a version of [org.clojure/core.unify "0.5.7"]
Huh, that's super helpful! Thanks a lot for taking a look and even coming up with a solution :thumbsup:
Hm, doesn't seem to resolve the issue though. Specifiying it in my project.clj
still has the same error. Also worth mentioning, I'm on clojure 1.10.0, and 0.5.7
of core.unify seems to have been released 2016.07.25 so I expected it to be used already
nope, no cider. lein ancient
also tells me all artifacts are up-to-date
so everything is updated
do you have a ~/.lein/profiles.clj that might be interfering ?
or that ^ 😛
hm, no luck, commented out everything in profiles.clj, ran lein clean
and still same error
i still think you have an old version of unify on the classpath. just a question of how it’s getting there
@U5RCSJ6BB seems so. lein deps :tree
does not list unify anywhere, but guess it's possible it's embedded somewhere somehow
@U6N4HSMFW yeah, had three plugins there but commented them away
My assumption that lein ancient
upgrades everything was wrong, as it doesn't update plugins (by default at least)
the Clojure community continues to surprise me with it's helpfulness! You're all awesome folks! :beach_with_umbrella:
the Clojure community continues to surprise me with it's helpfulness! You're all awesome folks! :beach_with_umbrella:
Is there a designated channel @alexmiller posts his weekly update blog post link on? I can never find it reliably.
And in the reddit thread today it was mentioned he is posting about them on a zulip stream: I haven't quite wrapped my head around this zulip thing yet myself
I have been posting on reddit and now on Zulip and erratically here :)
I have started subscribing to RSS feeds again, mostly to keep up with interesting Clojure news. seems to be a good choice for me.
Is there a format to give examples in docstrings/elsewhere for (pure) clojure functions that can then be exploited by other tools? (e.g. to check the examples, etc)
Also, another question: in my current project I find myself wanted to use maps with namespaced keywords over records because they have a lot of very nice properties (play well with specs, serialise well, are extendable, etc), but I really, really miss having something like protocols. Is there anyway to get the best of both worlds?
have you experimented with multimethods?
@alexmiller it depends what you mean by experimented. I am aware of them and have used multimethods in a few places, but I wouldn’t say I have a good intuition on how they can be used to address a variety of problems
for example, I have a datastructure in my application that is essentially a tree. If I implemented it using a record I would make it extend a “ITree” protocol (or similar) and define some standard tree functions on it, but because I am using maps it seems like I am forced to define all those tree functions specifically for that datastructure
With clojure 1.10 you have :extend-via-metadata
on protocols so plain maps can implement protocols using meta
^^ although there are some caveats
what are the caveats @alexmiller?
doesn't work with it (although generally you should steer away from that anyways)
and they are slower than record protocol impls although how much that matters to you will depend
out of curiosity do you (@alexmiller and others) shy away from using records for application code? I know they’re used for clojure core / libairies (e.g. seq, etc), but their incompatibility with specs seem.. discouraged
and Clojure seems to be very much the spirit of using attribute granularity (as illustrated by spec using namespaced keywords, etc), which records are not
I'd say records are good in their niche, but that niche is relatively small
definitely use protocols, but don't extend to generic map type
I don't typically use protocols with maps
hmm, and so do you not define generic functions on map? e.g. using generic tree functions on a map that represents some kind of tree
I don't typically have those kinds of data structures
but usually stuff like tree-seq
or clojure.walk/postwalk
are useful with trees