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Hello! Can anyone recommend a library for accessing the google api, especially the google drive part?
@blmstrm Google’s Java API doesn’t do the trick?
There seem to be a few Clojure wrappers as well.
@twashing Thanks! I’ve checked out google-apps-clj already. I’ll look over the other options.
I'm not looking for anything complica5ted. It doesn't even have to be as performant as bitcask / leveldb / rocksdb. Is there a simple persistent kv store for clojure in pure clojure/java ?
There should be some type of append only log that appends all my changes, and there should be a GC / compactation phase.
@ymilky As a follow on. Using just the raw java KafaConsumer, I also get an emptry result. This is the output from my dockerized kafka output. Any idea what I’m missing? I’m sure sure it’s something simple. But I’ve been looking at this too long.
@ymilky Nevermind. I figured this out for the raw Java version. Turns out that calling .poll
once doesn’t guarantee that data will be returned.
I'm also busy with clone and Kafka at the moment, but since I could not found any recent client I just call the Java from clojure. Just took a quick look at the ymilky one. But since then they introduced a AdminClient class, witch at least for the admin and topic parts make things a lot simpler.
(defn bind-all-but-first [f & args]
#(apply f % args))
Is there a better way to do this? I want to take a function, and bind all arguments EXCEPT the first, it's almost like partial, except it binds ALL args EXCEPT first(defmacro tae [e] '(thrown? java.lang.AssertionError ~e))
'(tae (assert false)))
(ct/is (tae (assert false))))
@rauh: thanks, turns out there's a second error, I need a name symbol hname after the deftest 🙂
Hi All, seems to no longer work unfortunately 😞
@thomas: possibly file issue on
@qqq Looks like you're using a back-tick instead of a quote in front of the list. (list? `(1 2 3 a)) ;;=> false (list? '(1 2 3 a)) ;;=> true
is the search on broken at the moment?
@ztellman Hi Zach, I’m having a look at your automat library but noticed the repo has been flagged as archived and read-only. Does that mean something in particular like: “don’t use it”, or “i’m not gonna work on it anymore” ?
Ah, it is in Chrome when using https.
When using ->
, (doto clojure.pprint/pprint)
is a nice debugging trick. Does anyone know a simple way to do that when using ->>
Yep. Or throw a doto
in there if you need to preserve the value.
This is not a joke. Completely serious:
1. I have a Clojure function, which when executed, returns a String.
2. This String contains raw java source code. Which we can dump out via (spit "" foo-str)
3. Now, after I make a system call to javac, we get foo.class
4. I need somewah to load foo.class + call the function in foo.class
I need help with step 4.
(The XY problem is writing fast numeric code in clojure, but using a clojure DSL instead of actually writing java.)
user=> A/foo
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: No such namespace: A, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:0:0)
user=> A/foo
I just compiled
between invocations5. Should I create a directory ~/dynamically-generated-java-classes/ , add that to class path, and stuff all runtime generatee *.class files there ?
the jvm has a classpath, when you initialize a class, the classloader will scan that classpath
if the classpath includes filesystem directories other than jar files, it will look for the directory state at run time, not at the jvm load time
1a. I see. My lack of JVM basics is showing. Let me rephrase -- how can I force reload after I recompile ?
I would reconsider your approach of generating java as a string & loading it in memory
My basic use case is a follows: 1. I'm in eamcs. I modify some clojure AST. 2. I run some function, it does "clojure dsl ast -> java source string" 3. I want to compile this source string, get a class, have the JVM reload this class, and call a function from this class.
Okay, I have no idea wtf I'm doing. What do you mean by "loading it in memory" and what do you recommend? I'm not attached to writing out a *.java file at all.
>(The XY problem is writing fast numeric code in clojure, but using a clojure DSL instead of actually writing java.)
I would have your DSL either supported by some java classes, or emit JVM bytecode for whatever clojure can’t compile
I have a DSL in clojure taht spits out .c / .cu files for C/Cuda. I want to extend it to also spit out *.java files.
How would I properly use the Socket REPL? I tried to pass -Dclojure.repl=localhost:5555
as JVM arguments (in Cursive), but that does not seem to start the REPL.
I'm okay with that, as the only data I deal with are float [] and int; and I only use basic arith expressions. What library do you recommend for "clojure generating jvm bytecode" @bronsa
@bronsa: looking at it now; while you're here -- at some point, I'm going to run into a brick wall due to my lack of JVM bytecode knowledge; what reference would you recommend for studying JVM bytecode ?
why not use primitive math or some static java functions and combine them in clojure with proper type hints?
@bronsa: I have no idea what "JVM spec" is -- are you referring to ?
primitive math converts your (+ 1 2 3) into java static function calls via macros, belive me it's fast enough
@tsulej: 1. I've tried primitive math before -- gone as far as implementing fast histograms in it, -- ended up not liking it.
@tsulej: I also already have a "DSL" which outputs .c and .cuda files -- I wnat to extend it to output jvm bytecode too.
@qqq A hybrid approach may not be bad, don't emit Clojure math, emit calls to clojure.lang.Number/*
That's going to be pretty much as fast as Java.
(clojure.lang.Number/add 1 (clojure.lang.Number/add 2 3))
I know that (+ 1 2 3) should be almost exactly the same, but my experience trying to performance tune such code leads me think otherwise
@tbaldridge not for floats
ah right
@tsulej: I ended up developing these complicated macros that wraps around clojure's loop to simulate for loops
looks like you went too far 😉 I do all calculations with clojure structures just backed by primitive math instead of clojure numbers. And for me it's as fast as java. I make some generative/math art stuff.
@tbaldridge FWIW it should be exactly identical btw
user=> ((clojure.lang.Compiler/isInline #'+ 3) 1 2 3)
(. clojure.lang.Numbers (add (. clojure.lang.Numbers (add 1 2)) 3))
with all due respect, as both of you know far more abut clojure / jvm than I do, I find these (+ 1 2 3) examples silly
the code is the same.
Show me the Clojure code you generated, and we can probably help better.
It's much more likely that you forgot a typehint somewhere than that Clojure's compiler is producing ugly code.
@tbaldridge: "show me the clojure code" <-- is this referring to me?
@qqq for convolution I would go for gpu or use
Now I have gone the route of using Java code for this, but that was mostly do to me being unhappy with the type hints I had to track.
@tsulej : right, for convolution, I would use cuda ... but it "convolution" was the simplest examples I could come up with // actual image op is something else, but has similar looping structure
@tbaldridge: are you assuming that these ops can be easily expressed via map/reduce ?
not at all
let me throw out this challenge: for something like: I think java is far better than clojure; here, "java" includes "clojure code tht generates string representing java code"
loop and recur work pretty well, but yes, if you need something like goto and break/continue, then go the bytecode route
the JVM is a stack interpreter so going from an expression based DSL to java bytecode is rather trivial.
@qqq I'll take a look at this. Nice, not trivial problem. Thx for pointing at this. As a side note, in my opinion generating java code is worst possible solution. I would just write java code parts and call from Clojure.
I'm really kind of stuck doing "my dsl -> c, cuda, jvm" output since I need the same algorithm to run in both CLJS and CLJ -- CLJ for training side, CLJS for execution directly on tablet; so basically, besides BLAS, everything elese needs to be "hand written"
@tsulej, @bronsa , @tbaldridge: thanks for the insightful discussion; I'm going to go play around with insn
and enjoy the 800+ pages of the jvm spec 🙂
FYI a bit of familiarity with JVM bytecode will also help you figure out performance stuff like this on your own. Next time you have a Q just write 2 functions and look at the decompiled bytecode to figure out which one is fastest ;)
probably counting instructions would do; as the faster one = one calling jvm instructs directly; slower one = the one that have to jump around + make dispatches since it doesn'T assume anything about types of args
not always
The most important JVM optimization is method inlining.
Things like static method calls, or calls to a single type of object through a interface may be almost completely optimized away.
@tbaldridge: lol, I'm "not even in the ballpark of being wrong"
@bronsa: insn is amazing, I just got the basic example working, to sanity check, in
(def class-data
{:name 'my.pkg.Adder
:fields [{:flags #{:public :static}, :name "VALUE", :type :long, :value 42}]
:methods [{:flags #{:public}, :name "add", :desc [:long :long]
:emit [[:getstatic :this "VALUE" :long]
[:lload 1]
for the :emit part, I'm just putting in 'jvm asm instrs' right ?right, by jvm asm instrs
I meant to say "jvm's equiv of assembly instructions", which I believe is what "JVM bytecodes" are
Is there a section of which documents "function calling convention? in C, this would be things like how the arguments are passed via the stack frame" -- I think the three things . need are: 1. basic instructions: all documented 2. understand how to get arguments / return result 3. understand how to read/write to parts of float []
lol, am I reading correctly? it seems to state that JVM spec does NOT define how args are passed for func calls
Getting the following error when trying to send email with [com.draines/postal "2.0.2"]
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 534-5.7.14 <<key> Please log in via your web browser and
534-5.7.14 then try again.
534-5.7.14 Learn more at
534 5.7.14 i39sm10355859qte.19 - gsmtp
(defn send-email
"function to send an email"
[to subject body-text attachment-file-path]
(send-message {:host ""
:user <username>
:pass <password>
:ssl true
:port 465
{:from <username>
:to to
:subject subject
:body [{:type "text/html"
:content body-text}
{:type :attachment
:content ( attachment-file-path)}]}))
not sure what I'm doing wrong
Hey, all, I'm trying to get a :gen-class section in a ns form working. My function returns an array of Integers. I'm trying to add this to the methods section: ^:static [foo [Integer] "[Ljava.lang.Integer;"]
to no avail. I was trying to follow the example from the bottom of!topic/clojure/YRcvWPdUY9Y to get it working. I keep getting this problem clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Call to clojure.core/ns did not conform to spec:.
Any ideas?
@markbastian You'll have to share some details of your code and the actual error for us to be able to help...
Hi all, could you please recommend a good library for PGP encryption? I need to send encrypted data to an external server via SFTP given a public key. Would also very much appreciate your help if I can get some examples for pgp data encryption.
if I were doing something like that I'd go for the most stable well known and well used java lib available and write the interop myself
@U09JZ4FKJ Thank you for the suggestion.
Here's a complete example:
(ns sandbox.itoa
:name sandbox.ITOA
:methods [^:static [intToArrayOfInts [Integer] "[Ljava.lang.Integer;"]]))
(defn -intToArrayOfInts [id]
(into-array [id]))
And then in my project.clj I have :aot [sandbox.itoa]
When I run the repl I then get:
Compiling sandbox.itoa
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Call to clojure.core/ns did not conform to spec:
Compiling sandbox.itoa
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Call to clojure.core/ns did not conform to spec:
In: [1] val: ((:gen-class :name sandbox.ITOA :methods [[-intToArrayOfInts [Integer] "[Ljava.lang.Integer;"]])) fails spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/ns-form at: [:args] predicate: (cat :docstring (? string?) :attr-map (? map?) :clauses :clojure.core.specs.alpha/ns-clauses), Extra input
#:clojure.spec.alpha{:problems [{:path [:args], :reason "Extra input", :pred (clojure.spec.alpha/cat :docstring (clojure.spec.alpha/? clojure.core/string?) :attr-map (clojure.spec.alpha/? clojure.core/map?) :clauses :clojure.core.specs.alpha/ns-clauses), :val ((:gen-class :name sandbox.ITOA :methods [[-intToArrayOfInts [Integer] "[Ljava.lang.Integer;"]])),...
And the stack trace goes on and on. Thanks again for any help you can provide.The basic issue is "How do I define a type hint for an array of items in a gen-class method?"
Hmm, based on my bit of web searching, that syntax looks like it is supposed to work (and perhaps used to work)...
...yup, confirmed that works on Clojure 1.8.0.
Maybe @alexmiller can shed some light?
I had an example of that I wrote up for someone else here, but it’s fallen off the end of the message buffer
Yeah, I just saw both of these guys: * * Perhaps there's a new and improved way. For now, I'll revert to 1.8.
I expect there's some sort of Class/forName
dance that you can do to satisfy the new-in-1.9 ns
I presume the issue here is the "[Ljava.lang.Integer;"
spec is written to take a symbol there
Can I do this in a ns-declaration (symbol "[Ljava.lang.Integer;")?
Basically I want to put this into my return type in gen-class:
(type (into-array [1 2 3]))
=> [Ljava.lang.Long;
I tried that (I think), let me try again.
well the spec won’t fail with it
but it’s not obvious without digging whether that does the intended thing
I think this is probably a bug in the spec and ticket would be welcome is the line in question
simple-symbol? should be ::class-ident
I'd be happy to file it. Thanks for the help!
and, is (:require [ :as baz]) – not the same as just (:require []) from the "required ns'es code is loaded" pov?
having weird issue with onyx, where peers ns requires only job ns, w/o explicitly requiring namespaces job ns uses, and I get "no class def found" exception. So either I don't fully understand how :require'ing works in chains of namespaces requiring each other, or I might have not eval/test/etc. the right way.