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Bore da
travelling from sunny Dundee to stormy London today. I'm packing my raincoat and a lightning rod
Can I ask the Clojure community to slow down a bit…been away from professional Clojure development for 8-9 months and everything around tooling has changed (especially around Spec).
Just seems like a lot of new stuff around Spec
@agile_geek #justuseschema
Yeah, one of many I’m referring to.
Yeah, had a brief look at that at weekend.
morning morning
@agile_geek the great thing about clojure is that schema is pretty much still everywhere, and there's no reason at all to use spec
+1 - i can't see us moving to spec anytime soon... we've got masses of schema and no reason to move
I do like this Slack, but I wish the people on #clojure on Freenode IRC would move over here so I don't have 2 windows alerting at me...
IRC is so broken it pains me every time i use it, so i just avoid it these days
Contrariwise, I bet you early in Facebook history someone somewhere said “I wish people stopped publishing stupid RSS feeds and moved to Facebook pages already.”
@maleghast i don't miss netsplits or lack of any solid notion of identity or lack of coherent notifications
@mccraigmccraig - I agree, I don't miss the things you mention, though I felt nickserv was a "good enough" identity metric for most of the time.
I miss IRC mostly because Slack is just "IRC if Apple did it", and it irks me that to have the Slack level of quality I need to pay for it, in the end...
Also IRC kept out the non-technical dead-weight in the companies where I worked where we used it.
haha, "IRC is too complicated for dumb users" is perhaps the strongest argument in its favour is supposed to be very good
i used to use irccloud - it definitely helped
I am going to have to check that out when I have some more time on my hands - the synopsis sounds lovely!
Oh I never do video calls these days 'cos of satellite broadband at home, I've gotten used to going back to just voice.
Anyone in here got a quick fix for how to make two (identical) select boxes both update if one is changed in a Reagent app..? (I've just noticed that one is not changing..)
I get__ that Reagent is being smart and only updating the bit of the view that it thinks it needs to, and most of the time this Reagent / React magic is great, but in this one regard...
It occurs to me that I could__ give the two select controls very specific IDs (different to one another, clearly), and then have my 'change view' function force the value change on the other, un manipulated select, but that seems like a workaround, you know like I am doing something icky...
@maleghast by "identical" do you mean that the two select-boxes have the same state behind them ?
Yeah, they are select boxes that have the same options and should show the same state as one another
(please bear in mind that I have already pointed out that this is shitty design, but the "designer" is insisting that we have this setup)
so if both components are observing the same ratom reagent should update both components when the ratom is changed
changing one should force a view change (and that works) but in the new view the box that was not clicked on does not show the new value.
The view(s) in question are (still) just one big component, so they are both "watching" a single r/atom called app-state
well i'm not sure what's going on in your case, but you shouldn't have to do anything special to get reagent to update the un-clicked select - as long as the ratom was dereferenced during the un-clicked select initial render then reagent should know to re-render it when the ratom changes
it's quite unlikely to be a reagent bug - you are probably doing something somewhere which means that reagent isn't tracking the ratom derefs for your selects
So changing the value on the select runs a function that forces accountant to navigate. That is done and the changing of the URL and the routing changes the value of the view in the app-state and indeed also the URL params in the app-state.
oh, urls as repositories of app-state... i remember that... i imagine you have a logical race-condition somewhere
Well, in a shock development I have got the designer to relinquish the second select - problem solved (for now!).
I need meaningful URLs, as the Product Lead has made it clear that the SPA aside it has to be possible to deep-link directly to a particular page (once logged in)
As such I have Bidi Routes and Accountant managing push-states and so forth, so that it is possible to route directly to a specific view.
FWIW, anything that is a parameter in the URL is parsed out and added to the app-state atom, so I am not swerving around the idea of a single app-state and using state from the URL as well as from the app-state atom, I ONLY use the app-state atom, but I do have code that pushes "things" from the URL into the app-state...