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Is there a pretty navigable emacs lisp reference out there, the official one is just so unsearchable outside of using a search engine. I'm looking for something on the level of clojuredocs/


This guide is pretty good and has a bunch of reference links at the bottom


Just noticed that something is kindly filling in missing :require entries for me in my clojurescript project. Not sure if its one's I have already specified in other files or maybe some standard :as abbreviations. I typed rf/<something> and [re-frame.core :as rf] magically appeared in my ns. I'm not complaining, just curious what does this....


I never used it and it doesn't do anyhing without me manually hitting commands, so I'm not sure if maybe some hooks are set up in your config (if it is a custom emacs distro that is)


could be. My setup is based on emacs-live which came with quite an extensive clojure setup...


Oh, right, and refactor-nrepl is just a layer over clj-refactor I guess.


ah-ha, yes. cljr-magic-requires, part of clj-refactor. Looks like that is what is creating the namespace in the first place as well.